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About turbonipples

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    On the Coast
  1. turbonipples

    Nerf the zombies a bit?

    Ok, what I'm saying though, the one punch KO is a bit rediculous. The disease really doesn't need to be that common, does it? One infection after another. I know what happened to e was a bug, because I had full blood and the zombie killed me in one punch, didn't even knock me out.
  2. turbonipples

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    They're asking for the game to be a bit more fun, not to spawn with jesus loot. Not even hospitals have antibiotics. At least I don't think. I wouldn't know, because there's never any loot there in the first place.
  3. turbonipples

    Nerf the zombies a bit?

    DayZ used to be fun, untill the recent update. I understand it's a mod, and may contain some glitches, but this is BS. The fact that you need an SD weapon or you're totally f*cked is stupid. And even with an SD weapon, you're still f*cked. The character I had for almost a month got hit once and killed, full blood and everything. So my suggestion, nerf the zombies, because as of right now, the mod sucks.