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Henry Carson

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About Henry Carson

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Henry Carson

    Looking for Origins clan.

    Email link is not working for me so if you could PM me the address chances are it would work alot better.
  2. Hello everyone that reads this I am searching for a Origins clan that could help introduce me to Origins. I have about 2 1/2 months worth of experience in DayZ, I have Teamspeak 3 installed and a working mic (Turtle Beach X12). One thing that I hope will not happen is that I will be refused because of my age (13 :/) however I hope that you will overlook that because 1.My voice somewhat betrays my age (it is alot deeper and I have been mistaken for being at least 5-10 years older) 2.I am a teamplayer, and enjoy working/playing with others. If you think that I would be able to join your clan/group send me a PM.