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About SheerRage

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SheerRage

    [vF#] Hardcore DayZ Epoch Clan, (16+) Ranks.

    I think you have the wrong TS server and DayZ server... it belongs to www.rmrbf.com -Jrdsimon
  2. Thank you for choosing us! I will talk to everyone and we will get together and play sometime!
  3. My friends and I have been playing Dayz for quite sometime now! We do like to have fun but when the time comes we get serious. We play Breaking Point because there is a lot more weapons and different items around the map which we find makes for more threats! Anyway... Right to the point here, we are looking for people who like to have a fun time and that aren't afraid to pull the trigger. We DO NOT always shoot on sight. If you are seen as a threat then you will be put down. We are looking for players who can lead a squad of 4-5 people and also people who can take orders in said squads. The idea of the squads is to be spread out around the map collecting supplies and eventually setting up camp to help people in need. You are NOT required to devote time to our clan. You may come and go as you please. However, if you are found guilty of SPYING and/or TEAM KILLING you WILL be banned from our Mumble server. You will also be shot on sight. Which brings me to the next part. We use mumble for communications. If you are unfamiliar with the program it is just like Teamspeak 3, but there are more options for it. Our server is open to anyone who would like to join. Simply go to the Registration Area and wait for an admin like myself to register you. Being that there is not many members at the moment you will most likely be playing with only a few people. Mumble Adress: mumble-us.cleanvoice.ru Port: 59830 It is our duty to help the noobs. Help us in these troubled times. As a final not. I will try to be on our Mumble server as much as possible. Message if you run into any troubles!