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Everything posted by marcodiodo@hotmail.it

  1. marcodiodo@hotmail.it

    In need of antibiotics (Just one)

    Free & fast medical assistance here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99986-need-medical-assistance-find-a-medic-here/
  2. marcodiodo@hotmail.it

    Do you just kill anyone you don't know?

    What about if dead survivors become very hard zombies (more than viral) when somebody comes close ? Maybe bandits will stop killing just for fun. Or at least will not get gear from it.
  3. marcodiodo@hotmail.it

    DayZ .Dev Bug List

    - BE kicks when you try to put a quiver in a vehicle
  4. marcodiodo@hotmail.it

    Is it a bad thing, that i play without killing

    I play on UK 172 (Hardcore) but there aren't too many peoples. I've just been killed with a M240 and there were just 11 players connected. Yesterday a bandit sniper came near my position with an ATV and killed me from an hill. (I tried to hide in a building but i was trapped)
  5. marcodiodo@hotmail.it

    Is it a bad thing, that i play without killing

    I try to play this way guys but i always get killed on sight! It's impossible to survive this way. I never last more than a day.
  6. marcodiodo@hotmail.it

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    A: Your in-game name: [EVF] Marksman B: Your condition/ailments: Infected, low blood (have a blood bag) C: Your location: Berenzino hospital D: A general description of your character: Civilian clothes, alice backpack, double barrel shotgun Thanks to Se7eN and kichilron for the assistance :thumbsup: