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About addictedfool

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    On the Coast
  1. addictedfool

    Timeframe for PCGamer/Reddit changes?

    Does anyone know if they've talked more about this at all? I've looked around but I can't seem to find any more than the original information.
  2. Is there an ETA for the 64-bit server/optimization patch yet? I heard it was done a while ago and just needed testing.
  3. addictedfool

    Timeframe for PCGamer/Reddit changes?

    Up until recently I would have completely agreed with you on the depth part. I'm just not so sure anymore. H1Z1 especially is looking like it could be a great game. DayZ still has a lead on them all, but I'm just worried that lead is disappearing fast. It is encouraging to hear how many things are in the pipeline, but I just don't think it is going to happen fast enough to keep DayZ at the top of the list. I hope I'm wrong! It would be a nice surprise to actually have some of this stuff show up instead of always being in development.
  4. I'm interested to know if there is anything more concrete than this statement from the Reddit interview mentioned in PCGamer recently... "Q: When are you looking at getting the new engine into experimental and then pushed out to stable. Rocket: It will kind of come in a modular fashion over time." That is vague enough to mean anything at all. I know they are usually allergic to posting any kind of a date, but according to the interview I read the 64-bit version stuff is done and tested "u/phobus666: What's the status of internal testing 64-bit servers? Rocket: It’s done. It’s tested and I think the test is totally successful." I've been interested in picking up this game basically since it came out, but I've been waiting for a more complete game. At this point there are other games in the same genre that are actually catching up and in some ways surpassing DayZ, which is a real shame. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but I can't seem to find any kind of a schedule for any of these changes actually making it to the game, can someone point me in the right direction? I would appreciate it very very much!
  5. addictedfool

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I don't know if you realize what he actually scrapped in Dec 2012, you do realize that was THIS GAME and not "another game", correct? If they were that unprepared they shouldn't have said it was almost ready for release. He said he learned his lesson and wouldn't post another "release date", except him posting that they have one and then in your own words scrapping it because they "went in another direction" is just as bad. Since then they have posted about alpha being almost ready, with a test "to see if we are ready" that ended up showing it's not ready for some reason that sounds a lot like "because we say so". I'm not tired of waiting for the game, I'm tired of getting my hopes up only to find out it's been delayed AGAIN. You keep trying to say "well he didn't actually say that", but just because it's not a specific date doesn't mean crap. It's still implying that the game should be ready soon. If it was a matter of a few weeks that wouldn't be such a big deal, but it keeps turning into months more. Again, I don't care if it DOES take years. Just STOP SAYING ITS ALMOST READY if it isn't. Seriously how are we supposed to feel better about this latest announcement? Just because he used the term "last lap" this is the time they actually mean it? What if they decide they need to go in another direction...again...for the 3rd time? Will you still say the same thing again too? Technically he didn't actually give a date right? I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but after 3 times being burned already I'm just finding it hard to have any faith at all. If I could avoid it just by not paying attention to dayzmod.com or dayzgame.com that would be a bit different, but it's blasted all over every single gaming news site each time it happens. It's impossible to avoid, which is why I'm even here posting. Hopefully you are correct and it's coming out soon, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  6. addictedfool

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I understand where you're coming from Wayze, my post was mostly meant in jest since at this point it basically is a joke how long it has been delayed. I was around for Duke Nukem, Battlefield 1943 for the PC and I'm still waiting for Half-Life 2 Episode 3 so I have experience with video game delays. I just mostly wanted to point out that the biggest mistake was getting people's hopes up so much so many times for over a year now. If we just heard "it will be done when it's done even if that takes years" like all the people on the forums say, most people wouldn't have as much of a problem. The real issue comes when they keep announcing it's "almost ready", or that they're going to test to see if it is ready for alpha (which means they are pretty confident it might be) only to announce they are still months from alpha, then they do it again, and it's still months from alpha the next time. They will announce "it won't be ready until at least X date" and then instead of it being a few weeks later it isn't even close at all. This happens over and over and it is 1000x worse than just saying nothing at all. That is a problem too, but at least you can just sort of put it out of your mind if it isn't in game media over and over to remind you. I understand they are excited and want to keep interest peaked, but at this point it really does seem to be backfiring. In the examples I gave above the worst offender would have to be BF 1943 for PC. They were stringing us along for almost 2 years on that one, actually going as far as to sell copies of the game. The whole time they were sure it was just about to come out, they just had to find the time to get it finished. Duke Nukem and HL2E3 people are angry about, but at least they aren't announcing "it's almost ready" over and over and it turns out "almost" means "probably years away".
  7. addictedfool

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Oh hey this still exists? Is this still the same thing from when I was a younger man with dreams of playing a decent open world zombie game? Or is this like a remake of the original DayZ Standalone? I'm not usually a fan of all the new "reimagining" type movies, but maybe it's different for games. OK so obvious joking aside, they are just lucky there isn't a better alternative yet...I hope they decide to release this game sometime soon. Did they actually understand "this year" meant in 2012 when they gave the responses for this interview? http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-27-dayz-standalone-release-this-year-says-dean-hall If not, they are only 2 days late which really isn't so horrible I guess. Someone explain to them that if they say it again this year it means BEFORE 2014 and not before 9-27-2014...
  8. addictedfool

    Zombies are just too bad...

    This is huge, I'm REALLY glad to hear they are working on it for the standalone. Obviously they have to be aware of the problem but actually working to fix it is key. That makes me feel a lot better, thanks!
  9. I'm really hesitant to make this my first thread, but I just gotta say something. I feel like the zombie animations and just the overall feel of the zombies are so bad that I just can't even play this game. I know it is more about survival and stuff, but nothing in the world takes me out of the feel of tension and suspense and really being there that this game gives you more quickly than the zombies. Every...single...time I see one of them move I just sorta hang my head in disgust and can't even bring myself to want to fight them. I know this is a weird analogy but it's almost the same feeling I get when I try to watch Episode 1 of Star Wars and every time Jar Jar Binks comes on the screen it just becomes unwatchable, does anyone else get that? Does anyone else feel like the zombies are literally too bad to ignore and just can't even get into the game because of them? Does anyone know if this kinda thing is going to be fixed in the standalone? How do you guys look past the terribleness of the zombies to actually get into the game itself? edit: The last question is really the most important part, I'm struggling to get into the game because of the zombies alone. Everything else about the game I'm really into. The suspense, the feeling of not knowing if someone is going to shoot you on sight, the fact that you can actually find weapons and ammo when you look for items, etc...