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About pbishop

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php EDIT There have been problems updating through dayz commander for a couple of days. Use the link I posted above and install manually. Stopping and restarting DC will not fix the problem.
  2. Dayz is a mod for a game you paid for. If you explore all that arma actually has to offer, you will soon see that your money was not wasted. Complaining about losing money for a free mod is kind of rediculous even if you bought arma only to play dayz.
  3. pbishop

    my poor off road truck

    Was it in a FR server and next to a car?
  4. pbishop

    DayZ PVP, FN FAL or M14

    hatchet all the way, silent, quick, and awesome
  5. pbishop

    Increase the need for food and water

    I think its already fine for food now. Whats the point of eating more? Kinda removes the purpose of trying to find better crap if you cant make it two towns away without 2 meals and 4 drinks, so much wasted inventory space for the rest. Sorry, but I dont agree with this, its just going to hinder people from moving around the map.