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Everything posted by ducklick

  1. ducklick

    A tale of love, tragedy, and a motorbike

    Ah yes, your stolen bike. Wherever it may be now. Thanks for killing me in Berez btw :P.
  2. ducklick

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    The mod has zero effect on the standalone. The selection of radio stations is actually an indicator that we're in the last stages of the process before the alpha release, i.e. ancillary content and legal stuff -Rocket ( http://www.reddit.co...pha_this_month/ ) I think we are getting close... And to above poster,: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1hf40x/twitter_rocket2guns_psa_at_rezzed_i_said_we/catqb9i?context=3
  3. ducklick

    Standalone release procedure

    Link to those streamer's vids?