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Everything posted by DatHon3yBadger

  1. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Epochalypse: Base Raiders!

    I team up with some players from the Random DayZ Bullshittery server to attack a member of the ZF clans base. What we thought would would be a very dangerous and serious mission turns into a hilarious session of DayZ.
  2. After myself and my two friends staked out a base for a while we decided to give up and do something else, thats when we hear a helicopter fly over head and land right at the front door of the very base we were watching. What happens next? I guarantee you wont expect what goes down!
  3. After playing the Standalone for a while, I found myself becoming rather bored of the lack of things to do (I understand its still early dayz) so I have returned to the mod and more specifically, Epoch. I have to say that it is a absolute blast to play and I will be sharing some of the shenanigans I get up to in the form of videos from here on out. Back Story: Upon logging into the server I have been frequenting, myself and two of my friends responded to a request from other players to help out with one of the more difficult missions that randomly appear on the map. So after we spoke to them a while we got on team speak and started our journey to green mountain. I hope you all enjoy!
  4. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Epochalypse: Gun Fight At Green Mountain

    It's allot easier to get good gear in Epoch, do one of the random missions that appear and you can be fairly geared up! Also since you have bases you can stock pile enough guns to fuel a small army!
  5. DatHon3yBadger

    I killed a girl and I feel bad about it.

    Was weird that you kept following her :/
  6. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Random DayZ

    While playing on my own I was held up by a player between Kamyshovo and Elektro. Things take a funny progression from there!
  7. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Random DayZ

    Every time things like that happen you can only think "Only in DayZ!
  8. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Random DayZ

    I myself did not take part in the item duping and only became aware of it a while after they gave me a mosin.
  9. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Random DayZ

    I promise you it was not! I understand that something like that looked staged though.
  10. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Random DayZ

    It was an unusual escalation of events
  11. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Random DayZ

    That's a great way to put it! Thanks for watching and commenting BadAsh.
  12. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Harassing Players

    I got bored of playing super cautiously and decided to try annoy bandits and other players. I died allot. I really want you guys to give me suggestions on what you want me to do/say to other players in my next video!
  13. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Harassing Players

    There can be only one!!
  14. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Episode 2: Balota Trouble

    A change from my DayZ Documentaries series in the sense that I try to talk to players instead of shooting on sight if possible.
  15. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ Standalone: Episode 2: Balota Trouble

    Hahaha I was thinking how bizarre it would seem without context as we were trying to guide him in!
  16. DatHon3yBadger

    Day Z Videos

    Trying to stick players up instead of killing them on sight. http://www.youtube.com/user/outoftoiletroll1
  17. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ YouTube Series.

    Hey guys I am new to the forum and I wanted to share some of my DayZ videos with you. My youtube Series DayZ documentaries is something I started after I recorded my first session where I didnt die as soon as I got to a main town. I would love if you guys would watch it and let me know what you think in the comment section on Youtube or here whichever you prefer. (The show follows no story so I am going to show you ep5 which is my personal favorite)
  18. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ YouTube Series.

    Thank you man! New episode will be filmed tomorrow all going well.
  19. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ YouTube Series.

    Thank you!
  20. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ YouTube Series.

    Sorry! I am new to this forum. All future video posts will be in the gallery.
  21. DatHon3yBadger

    DayZ YouTube Series.

    I'm sorry you are disappointed :(