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Everything posted by nuclearaddict

  1. nuclearaddict

    PVE & PVP Servers

    It's been talked over for more than a year and it's just silly. If you want to PVE then there are single-player mods/co-op mods for that.
  2. Only thing ruining it is the hackers. 9 times out of 10 there's someone nuking the server, teleporting everybody, etc etc. I wish I was exaggerating, but it is nearly every single.
  3. I don't mind the respawn button being disabled, because it forces you to play every single fresh spawn you're given, but for the group updates you should really add some sort of fresh group spawn feature. Who's to say I wasn't "traveling with friends when we washed up on the coast" as fresh spawns in the game? Also, in before all the "but its supposed to be hard. just play the game" comments. I have a fairly large group of friends that play together, we've never had and still don't have any trouble meeting up. I just think there ought to be a feature like this, because it really does make sense in the game world.
  4. nuclearaddict

    Zombie movement....

    They should add twerk animations for the zombies.
  5. nuclearaddict


    OP, there was a single player version of DayZ made by Kronkzy. I'm sorry you missed it : ( !! You could even set it to spawn you any weapon you wanted PLUS god-mode : ( !!!!
  6. nuclearaddict

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    I also recognize sarcasm, BRO. Yeah, don't think I didn't see what you did there with that last part of your other post. I'm ragin' now.
  7. nuclearaddict


    This. Except QQ? Back in my day that was an insult to tell someone to "alt + F4" out of the game. You want him to exit out of the program and quit bitching? If so, I agree :)
  8. nuclearaddict


    Except it's grown to nearly 500k players since I first started playing a couple months ago.
  9. nuclearaddict


    Wait. The guy is a "hacking bandit", because he managed to camp in the location you went to back to?
  10. nuclearaddict

    Spoiled Food

    Not bad. It would add to the realism, because obviously we don't have any mobile freezers out in the middle of the wilderness. Beans, bro.
  11. nuclearaddict

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    I just feel like stuff like this would only detract from the experience. Instead of stuff like this we need more group functions. Stuff that actually encourages cooperation through achieving something better than just hunting players who have killed other players. That's going to be the solution to any sort of widespread bandit problem.
  12. nuclearaddict

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    I feel flattered. Maybe I'm trying to get the whole story out of the OP? I'm asking him questions, aren't I? Go back and read my posts in this thread again. 90% of them are questions regarding his suggestion. Grow thicker skin.
  13. So should you for making such a stupid post.
  14. nuclearaddict

    Suggestion for shopping carts

    Fantastic book. I came in the thread expecting to hate on you, but honestly, I love that book and wouldn't mind seeing this implemented when larger maps start popping up.
  15. nuclearaddict

    Add Bears to forests

    11. This guy http://i.imgur.com/zhSfk.jpg
  16. Relax, have fun exploring, don't worry about dying in the process, learn from your mistakes, repeat. Just about the best advice I can give you. *edit* Almost forgot to mention something important. Everybody hates you. So don't worry about dying, because you'll be killed by other players. A lot. In fact, after a few fresh spawns your only deaths will come from other players.
  17. nuclearaddict

    Tips and Tricks on the loading screen

    Sure, why not. It can only help new players. Except the reddit part. Scum community.
  18. nuclearaddict

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    Hunting bandits = banditry. This is why your suggestion is flawed. Any sort of player-killing outside of immediate danger (aka self-defense) is banditry in one way or another. I'm pretty sure I've already typed this before in the thread, heh.
  19. nuclearaddict

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    By adding the ability to find out the whereabouts of a player you increase the ease of becoming a bandit. What's stopping the hunted bandits from just camping and mowing down all the angry griefed players who use this feature?
  20. I'm gonna have to disagree, man. I can't see this working on populated servers. Imagine everyone trying to spawn at Balota or Cherno at once. Bandit heaven. Also, I prefer the random spawns. It keeps the game fresh, because sometimes I'll spend quite a few days on the western part of the map then die. Usually I'll get a Solnichniy spawn after that and I gladly welcome the north-eastern part of the map.
  21. nuclearaddict

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    So your solution is to make it even easier to become a bandit?
  22. Dude, I understand your frustration, but seriously, stop crying. With that said, you'll become more and more familiar with the game. You'll learn how and where to find weapons with ease pretty soon. If you spent as much time trying to understand the game as you did whining about it you would be well on your way to becoming a successful DayZ player. Learn to check every worthwhile building on/near the coast. That includes deer stands, the Balota airfield ATC tower and hangars, the numerous deer stands at Balota, Cherno, Elektro and barns. It takes my friends and I about 5-20 minutes to get ALICE packs, AKs, sidearms, DMRs, blood bags, food, drinks, etc etc. We just know where, when and how to look. You'll get to that point sooner or later. Take a deep breath next time the game frustrates you and realize it's only a game. It should always be a challenge otherwise it wouldn't be a game. Happy hunting.
  23. nuclearaddict

    Add Bears to forests

    Bears, wolves, etc. I'm up for all types of hostile creatures roaming the map.
  24. nuclearaddict

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    Want to know what the real solution to the "bandit problem" is? Stop being bad at the game.
  25. nuclearaddict

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    What's stopping you from doing this over direct communication? :| Are people really this lazy now that they can't even be bothered to type/speak over a chat in-game that they need a feature that does it for them?