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About kanars

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Wait, do you mean that there is a chance the game wont be released in August?
  2. Yeah the truth is you should stop answering our questions, you need to sleep! If you are tired you won't be able to make the Alpha launch dream happen! (The only developer I have EVER seen that answers our questions and spends his precious time interacting with the community) Thank your for all you've done dude. Edit:@zarniwoop Join the club haha!
  3. Cleverbot said that Dayz Alpha is launching tomorrow let's tell EVERYONE WOW!! (media logic)
  4. @Rocket DO you really receive death threats? LOL Is there anyone SO stupid to say release tomorrow or I will kill you hahaha. Stupid kids just went full retard
  5. @Death Dealer HAHAHAHA and call Sergey(gay) titov to steal our money!
  6. PCgamer suggests you should change the game's name. HOW ABOUT NO?? http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/08/03/dayz-standalone-video-shows-the-power-of-teamwork-outlines-updates-to-injuries-and-map/
  7. Actually arresting people is one of the greatest features I have ever seen in a multiplayer game and I don't care if undressing is a little gay :D
  8. Dean the running animations are placeholders?
  9. May I ask you a question are there any placeholders in this video?
  10. @rocket Thank you again for answering to a crazy fan, and please don't justify your answer because I feel very stupid for not thinking that side of the story :D Good Job and Keep up the good work!
  11. That's exactly what I was asking for! Thank you for this perfect video (That could be a 10/10 trailer btw) and the efford to make it true. I don't understand why you gave a general answer when you where ready to upload the video, because that made people (like me) feel disappointed with no reason. Anyway Thank your for 17 minutes of joy and I hope your next statement is about the release. Keep up the good work! P.S Seriously if you could say that the devblog is coming in 2 hours instead of when it's ready everything would be perfect. :D I hope you are doing the same thing with the Alpha launch nvm Good Job and THANK YOU
  12. kanars

    Where are all the devblogs?

    @capricornOne I am sorry about my insults for you, I just felt attacked while I was very angry so :D that escalated quicly.
  13. kanars

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Sorry for my agressive posts but guys you have to understand, I spent the last year waiting for the standalone, I watched and believed in everything Rocket said (including the release date on December). I spend 2 hours at least a day cheking forums,twitter,reddit and tumblr. I have never said anything negative about this project or the developers, but after ALL this anticipation (I waited for the promised developer blog by the time of the announcement) I just lost my mind when I saw this ironic post. After E3, rezzed streams developer blogs and so many hours of reading every post he wrote I felt like an idiot. I was one of the most PASSIVE fans with this project and I never ever let anyone harm this idea(project) or its developers. But after defending the fact that he isn't accurate (with excuses) I realized that it's true and that was a critical hit to my efforts. He owes us nothing AT ALL as a seller but as a developer he owes us all this fame and success and I really dont want something about it ,I just thought that would make him show some respect to the less patient by just being accurate. The only thing I wanted is a clear answer, YES the devblog is coming in 15 days no problem but not statements like "when it's ready". This is underestimating my intelligence and is clearly a wrong path for a developer that wants to be trasparent. Feel free to hate what I said. Sorry for the big posts Edit: In reddit you can see people like me asking the same questions with the answer <<Well, let me put it this way. I'm still at work.>> http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1jjs0m/sa_so_what_has_happened_to_this_internal_review/
  14. kanars

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Like you said it's completely beyond you, I have nothing more to discuss passive consumerism is the cancer of this industry.
  15. kanars

    Where are all the devblogs?

    You are not thinking at all about the negative and unprofessional side of a product and its management. And you are insulting those that DO.