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Everything posted by TheDerpFish

  1. TheDerpFish

    Keep losing connection

    I will join a server and after about 10 mins in the server i lose connection to the server. This happens on all servers i join.
  2. TheDerpFish

    Keep losing connection

    I get "No message received"
  3. TheDerpFish

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    wat. im fabulous
  4. TheDerpFish

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    How good can this computer run dayz? http://pcpartpicker.com/b/FqW
  5. TheDerpFish

    Good server?

    What is one of the best servers that has good amount of people and has the lowest amount of hackers on it, Please tell me some servers and it doesnt matter if they are whitelisted servers aswell.