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About Finkle

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. This thread actually helped my irrational fear of carrying and swapping main weapons.. What I used to do was drop something on the ground that wasn't a big deal in case I lost it.. Then used that as a loot pile to dump everything and put it back in my pack. Worked ok but took a long time.
  2. Finkle

    Wait a minute.... WHAT?!

    The fal gets a lot of hate but putting aside its rarity it's a decent weapon. Power of a dmr with a lot faster fire rate. Sights are no worse than any other gun IMO just depends on your preference. The nv scope is what really makes if valuable though for me. I prefer playing at night so it's invaluable.. At least till I find some nvgs. But if you only play daytime servers you won't find it useful. (until the fix the switch to turn nv off and on as it should be.. Kind of a basic thing to have worked out you'd think)
  3. Yeah the sound and vis distances have been changing a lot with all the patches. People are right it really is most effective to just get in and out as fast as possible and never hang around one place for too long. Zombies are easier than ever to give the slip now though so that's something. You can still screw yourself if you are out in the open and aggro zeds in the daytime though. But pretty much any town with a barn or something you can run through solves your problems easily enough.
  4. Yeah I think it updates the beta and works instantly through the six launcher.. But I tried just going into the game and it still wouldn't let me join certain newer beta servers until i manually updated. So yeah if you only use the six launcher you're fine.
  5. Finkle

    Wait a minute.... WHAT?!

    same thing happened to me only it was a fal with nv scope, and it was in the stary mil outpost. dunno why someone threw it away; guess they found something better.
  6. I lost a fal mag this way. I was sad :(
  7. Finkle

    Rocket Disciplined for 1.7.1

    WAY better that he takes big risks trying to make an overall better game IMO.
  8. Finkle

    Question about the FAL

    you can find the nv fal in the military camp at stary. i found one of mine there. the other was in a heli crash
  9. Finkle


    oh god here we go
  10. Finkle

    Military weapons are useless

    i just think it boils down to preference really.. the point of the game is to have fun.. some people have fun going for the rarer weapons. i personally am having a blast with my m249 mowing down towns full of zombies. i generally stay away from people but i'd say it's more about the level of skill of the player than the actual gun. its pretty easy to kill people from long distance, but to use an mp5sd and get in close takes skill. some people like the extra challenge. guess it depends also on how close you are to the "end game." finding as many weapons as you can and trying them out to see how they feel is pretty fun imo.
  11. Finkle

    Learnt a valuable lesson..

    I think your only mistake was expecting any other outcome.. Of course not having any chat now is kinda getting to me. I'd prob do the same thing if someone said something in direct to me like that (no one has yet). I'd just go over there assuming I'd probably die. No big deal. If I don't die then hey great, if I do no biggie ill have fun starting again. He/she better not miss though if they shoot at me. Of course I could shoot them first but what's the fun in that?
  12. Finkle

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Ah yeah I could see the mk48 absolutely dominating in a pvp ambush.. I really want one now :P Also the penetration factor.. I bet you could take a guy out behind a concrete fence with that gun
  13. Finkle

    Weird glitch

    So yesterday I came accross a wrecked heli inside one of the smaller towns up north.. Thought it was kinda weird as I didn't think they spawned in towns and there were no extra military zombies or anything that usually accompany helis. At any rate I find a bison sd and a dmr; loot them both, then threw the dmr in my tent and took the bison as my main About 24 hours later I'm in a different server and I log out and back in really quick (it's lame but I did this because I only had one bison mag and it was almost empty.. And I was approaching a town and wanted a full clip.. I know, I'm a terrible exploiter). I guess it was karma though because when I log back in my bison is totally gone. Not on the ground either. So I go back to my tent and the dmr is gone too. Weird thing is I still had the bison mag in my inventory. And my tent had a few other good guns like a m249 and fal, but nothing else was gone. The dmr ammo was gone too which makes me think someone just took the dmr and ammo and didn't want the other stuff.. And I guess the bison disappearing was just a weird glitch. I wondered if maybe the heli had been seen as "illegal" or something and the game just decided to vaporize the loot that had been spawned with it; but if that's true it's weird that I still have the bison mag. Anyways just thought id report it. Also was curious if other people came across downed helis in towns.
  14. Finkle

    Starting with no gun.

    Starting without a gun kinda blows but look at it this way, it'll be way more awesome when you finally DO find a gun
  15. Finkle

    FN Fal spawning randomly?

    Dammit this thread made me not like my fal as much >.