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Everything posted by xG_Tony

  1. xG_Tony

    Explicit Gaming

  2. Explicit Gaming explicitgaming.clancoms.com:1404 join teamspeak and ask an admin about recruitment
  3. xG_Tony

    Looking for clan/group

    Explicit Gaming!!! explicitgaming.clancoms.com:1404 or ts2.clancoms.com:1404 it is ts3 though! poke or message and admin and find out about the clan!!
  4. xG_Tony

    looking for a clan to play with

    check out my clan ts2.clancoms.com:1404 its teamspeak 3 ts2 is jus a route... ask and admin for info we are currently working on a website
  5. xG_Tony

    Looking for a partner/group to play with

    Join teamspeak for info ts2.clancoms.com:1404 we have a good group of players and we are growing!!! poke or message and admin for info, if no1 is on chck back!!
  6. join my teamspeak for info ts2.clancoms.com:1404 talk to an admin or moderator if no1 on check back! lots of good info for you and your friends
  7. hey guys! join my teamspeak! we have guys who love breaking point. we play a little bit of everything! you dont have to join the clan, but you can play on the teamspeak and check out our lingor server!
  8. xG_Tony

    Tired of playing alone

    Explicit Gaming! check out our TS ts2.clancoms.com:1404 we are currently building a website. good fun group of guys we have our own lingor server!
  9. hey man check out my clan teamspeak and server! our server doesnt have CH or NP...its a lingor server though. we are still editing scripts and things. but our clan is looking for new members. ts2.clancoms.com:1404
  10. xG_Tony

    Explicit Gaming

    Sounds good man! Check out the teamspeak and our server...not everyone who wants in gets in, we arent a huge clan that gives everyone the tags...you play with us for a week or two and if the head guys myself included like you your in...we have a good group of people and we have alot of fun