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What happened in this last patch? I've played the mod actively for half a year and the weather has been absolutely fine until this point. I can't recall any similiar constant fog weather in the old days either. I don't mind occasional fog for shorter periods, dynamic weather is cool and I like light rain in particular, but right now for a pvp player this is game breaking. We no longer spot people (or zombies) from distance and the type of fights you get is only close quarter at most (it's difficult to find people now). I appreciate all the work that is being put in for development, some nice changes to come as well, I just think extreme fog 95% of the time is hurting the gameplay to the point where I probably won't play anymore something is tweaked.
Not going to review the patch entirely because it's unfair having only played a few hours, but the temperature system could potentially put the last players off of this game. Being part of some good fighting only to have it spoiled all over with everyone in the team getting cold and eventually infected, despite RUNNING non-stop when it is not raining. No need to inform about heatpacks, being indoors, making fires etc. It's not a challenge but a distracting factor that ruins the pvp side. I agree that the system wasn't really working at all in the previous patch, and it would be silly to complain about the idea with temperatures since it has been there since the very beginning. The problem is getting colder and colder even if you are running. Like dehydration and exhaustion isn't already a problem, you are also punished with infections for actually moving around creating chances for player interaction. The more people move in dayz, the more fun the gameplay gets. It's a shame if this is not encouraged. Building campers have none of these problems, maybe we should all revert to camping cherno/elektro. If somebody is camping for a long time, freeze him up, that's a good thing, to force him to do something, but being on the move you should be fine. Standing on a fire or being inside should do the job better, and get you warm faster, fine, but at least running outside should warm you up slowly.
I feel like neither the Mod or SA are for me any more...
anderse replied to scaramoosh (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
One of the "cool" thing in SA was supposed to be a lot more enterable buildings and rooms..bigger cities. But is this actually a good thing? As people have stated here, it has pretty much ruined the game for me personally. The amount of time people are spending indoors running around endlessly for items makes player interactions extremely rare, and even if you run into someone now and then it's a very boring, one-sided fight to where you will kill someone in the back from 3 meters. Interesting to see other people admitting the problem, because I haven't really read much about it. It's probably still a well used argument to why SA is better than the mod, though, without actually reflecting what it does to the gameplay. I have the same complaint about Arma 3 and Altis in particular. Also agree with the fact Bohemia destroyed the mod with this SA release. Pretty much been doing everything to make players stop Arma 2, even though the SA is completely broken. The mod would have deserved to be recommended and supported until at least 2016-2017 and with that I guess I'm thinking about taking care of Arma 2 security patches and keep the public hive alive. Instead they did a bad copy paste, changed things to the worse and made the game run much worse on top of that. The core game/engine is absolutely terrible compared to Arma 2 and this haven't changed one year after release. Don't get me wrong create a standalone game but how they did it was very unsavoury and only a matter of making money on a hype. The end result was leaving the good game and split the player base into private servers and different games. ________________________________ What to do? I'm creaming out as much as there's left of the dayz mod, the game that hooked me a few years ago. You have at least two popular choices for vanilla. Dayz Europa and a US server. And I don't think they are "dying" anywhere soon. So not many choices but at least you can still play and enjoy the vanilla mod. -
I play vanilla. And it's definitely too easy to find high tier guns (mk48, DMR, SVD) regardless how you look at it. If you feel differently we're probably on a different level in terms of skill and what we consider is a challenge for us. For me, I'm usually having choices of playing with mk48, m249, dmr, svd, fn fal, m40a3 and when I always run into these guns (not only by looting barracks) it becomes somewhat ridiculous and it's not very hardcore. I often destroy the guns and pick up an AK just to give myself more of a challenge.
As previous talker said, disable things like side chat, death messages, map way points, crosshairs and you're off to a good start. Nice to see more vanilla servers.
Second what plenty of people have been suggesting regarding hunting and fire making. It would be absoutely awesome having a knife sharpening tool and a fire steel. And preferably it should be tools that are quite rare. Maybe similiar to the compass or more rare if you want. I don't like the idea of using a stone you have gathered as someone said. Rare tool is better, making you excited when you find it. It does not sound like anything that difficult to introduce in my opinion. A massive matchbox if you want to speak simple terms, and a right click option on the dull hunting knife to sharpen it up for 5 new uses or something. I don't think these items would be overpowered at all if they are rare. Would just add more fun to it. I would also like to see the military canteen being brought back as a RARE item (maybe military loot only?) which restores full thirst and which can't (or make it like 1-2% risk per boil only) break! Didn't like the removal of this one to begin with.
They are supposed to be bloodied just before your legs are going to break, basically. When they are damaged. In this case it's a sign you need morphine. At least I think vanilla has this too. I may just have misunderstood you as well but afaik it's not a bug with blood on your pants before you have broken your legs.
For the zombies I like less damage (hard to tell what the optimal values should be) made, and dislike the increased hit rate. I actually don't think they should hit you if you run past them but with space between, like 2 meters. They are already glitching enough with hits hitting longer than your crowbar can reach. Fine if you run really close to them, and they are pointing in your direction they should have the chance of hitting you. But not sure about the current increased values. At the same time it evens out with the other pos so overall they are probably less of a threat but more annoying. I probably like zombies increased to 1k as well as the spawn radius, as long as not too much performance is lost. May be testing more throughout but doubt I have the time to get as far to try cars, bloodbags and the wooden gates (very curious about them gates though, if someone tries it please make a vid).
Joined in on the test server and played for a while. The main noticable change is the following (pasting from changelog): - [Removed] - default pickup (weapon,bags) from action menu. (Arma default commands). And as an experienced player I do not like this at all if it's somewhat patch ready. Because the items you actually regularly want to pick up using the default pickup button, are exactly the items you have removed the option from. Especially if you are a new spawn who has got no tools or weapons. In this case you want to be picking up tools and weapons quickly, not start messing around with crouch animations and menus. The default action menus can be improved a lot don't get me wrong and I'll give some ideas to this. The items that should have had this option removed (or add gear option) are the vehicle parts, and they seem to be the only items that still has this option! Because it's ridiculous considering what space they take (engine and main rotor 10 slots each) that you are forced to pick them up straight in your inventory and not have the option to put them in your backpack. And given the fact you can't get the "gear" option on them, you can't use them as a loot pile to drop things quickly to the ground either. My suggestion is quite simple and to me logic. Everything that counts as tools/weapons you should keep the default pickup action for. If you want to add the normal gear option to them, that's just fine, but why not keep the default pickup option as well? Exactly like how the matchbox works: This is the most ideal and user friendly gear mechanic. Would be nice to see all tools/weapons have the same. Ammo, tin cans, food, drinks, vehicle parts and any normal item going in your normal inventory, remove the default action for. This way the system makes sense to me at least. Edit: Maybe the vehicle parts are intended like this just because beginners could end up getting them ruined because of lack of space. Currently they will be prompted they don't have space. I'll buy that then, even though it's messy for people that knows how to handle it, because we may end up having to drop our weapon on the ground as well as the backpack content in order to transfer it to the backpack. Did not get the chance to see what's been done with the fire menu's. I hope it hasn't become more time consuming to cook/boil, considering how often you need to do this. ________________________________________________ The bugs I found, melee weapons:
ok thanks Razor. 5 weapons for deerstands may sound like something, but it's crossbow, machete, winchester, double barreled and hunter rifle (if this is CZ550 then fine). You can find all of this in normal residential loot can't you? And no weapons for castles. Definitely think this need tweaking, and I stand by the suggestion of adding a (even if very small) AK/AKM spawn, and maybe a clothing like Ghillie Suit. Just to make them worth visiting. It's true that since deerstands spawn these guns, they can be worth looting if you are a fresh spawn with no gear. But when you have already made some progress, left the spawn cities and headed up north. I will already have at least a winchester, so I know deerstands will not have anything for me. And that's my concern here. They are not worth looting unless you are a fresh spawn. Also since you were discussing roofs. They are indeed extremely bugged. Also certain floors like the supermarkets (at least the new one east Cherno). If you kill someone on a roof or on these floors, they will not be possible to loot. They will despawn or glitch into the building. And it has been frustrating a couple of times. Dunno if you can do anything about it. I'm coming from other mods and they did not have any of these bugs. Matches. For hunting knives you are able to add more into your sidearm as long as the current ones have been used one or more times I believe. A good thing. And the same goes for matches. However, if you have two match boxes here one will vanish as soon as you have made a fire. So it's kind of bugged/broken in that regard. Must carry your additional matches in the backpack..
Since more and more changes seems to be put in place, I'm just going to throw a few things out there that I believe need to be mentioned. Tents and Tents upgrading I think the idea is really cool here and I like how much you can increase the capacity using crates. There's just one thing that ruins it, even to the point upgrading it is not an option for me and my friends. It's the fact when upgrading you are repitching the tent, making it slide out of position. Because unless the ground is really flat, it will slide a little when pitching. And if you want to upgrade your tent 3-5 times, well you understand what will happen. This isn't necessarily the problem either, because you can always put it up on a safe ground just to upgrade, then place it where you actually want it, afterwards. Or can you? No. The way it works, we don't have an option to "move" the tent after it has been pitched. Not even when we are the owner of it. And you'd think you can upgrade the tent and then pack it. But once packed all your upgrades are gone and it's back to just the original tent. You could tell me to put and upgrades my tent in a flat surface free from other objects, but for those people playing on a crowded server this is NOT an option, and whoever has played this mod for a longer time knows this. It doesn't look like it would be difficult to solve this problem. I think it just hasn't been recognized as a problem has it? But yeah, some possible solutions are: - Being able to upgrade without repitching the entire tent. - Implement a "move" option for the tent owner so you can correct any mistakes caused by the upgrading/pitching processes. - Being able to pack and pick up an upgraded tent without it losing its upgraded values. Deerstands and castles spawns absolutely nothing useful. It is in my opinion not worth looting these at the moment. I haven't found a single good or unique item so I'm assuming they don't spawn it either. A problem with the deerstands is that a bunch of them are added in military compounds such as in balota and Lopatino. It makes balancing the loot spawn for deerstands impossible really, because for the deerstands elsewhere to be rewarding and worth visiting one by one, they would probably become overpowered in the mentioned compounds. I can't really understand why they were added in military compounds in the first place. I don't agree with this. Better fix an interesting loot table so the ones around the map can be used. At least a small chance for CZ550 and CZ550 ammo would be nice (excusing if this is already the case, but if so maybe it should be increased). Castles on the other hand doesn't have this problem. Not sure they have its own loot? Something that makes them unique and exciting to visit would be cool. Currently you should be happy if you even see items spawning. Don't get me wrong I'm the first one to voice hardcore level to the mod, I've even described why I think it's too easy to get the top tier gear, but the castles are ridiculous now. It's worse than looting a few houses with residential loot. Considering it's only Rog, Zub and Devils Castle around the map, do something with its loot tables..maybe AK spawn for instance? AK's are a bit uncommon now anyway since stanag and stronger variants are so easy to come by.
Me and my friends are back to vanilla after a year and a half away, and I like it a lot. The nutrition system is finally challenging and very similiar to how I used to want it, like giving water bottles and hunting a purpose, not filling your icons completely and be good for hours just by drinking one soda and consuming a snack. I think it's working pretty well, however I can understand why many think eating things as a steak should fill a little more than it does currently. Maybe make it so that different types of meat will refill significantly more than tin food or snacks will. But it's not a major concern of mine, meat has the benefit of giving more blood anyway. The annoyance with having to consume so much, is the fact that the gear menu closes after eating or drinking. Since you eat like 4-5 tins or steaks at a time, and maybe drink sodas on top of that, you have to reopen it up to 8 times on each occasion. And this is a frequent process. I believe the mod in its early days didn't use to close the inventory upon eating and drinking. So why is it doing that now? If it was intended I just can't understand why. I would like to see this fixed. Blood bagging doesn't work and need fixing, as well as the oil barrel graphical glitches, preventing people visiting Stary compound. In my opinion such major bugs should be highest priority to deal with instantly and a hotfix patch should be considered. I find it very strange why it's not possible to push such patches. The new tent pitching mechanics is nice. However, it can not be accessed at all if placed in pine trees, which is a let down. I've tried three or four times now and it won't let me. I'm assuming the only proper and somewhat long lasting tents today are glitched into something where they can't be seen. And that is obviously unfortunate. Heli crashes seems to be in very random places which is good. While I like the ones that just spawns in, quietly, combining that with dynamic ones that live crashes anywhere and at anytime would be amazing. They do generate some more activity, whether you are looking for action and other players, or if you are just walking around, realising one could be about to crash near you is tense as fuck and you can't take that away. I'm not suggesting the current ones should be scrapped completely. Just add the possibility of flying ones so crash sites becomes a little more unpredictable. For instance if you find one you wouldn't have a clue whether it crashed 5 minutes ago or if it has been since the restart. Today all crashes spawns right on restart which is pretty unexciting knowing. Now to the important part which is the reason I'm making a post in the first place. While the survival aspect can be considered hardcore in my opinion, and as it should be in vanilla, finding end game gear is way too easy! And yes, I'll be much more specific to back that up. You would think weapons as DMR and mk48/m249 should be freaking rare. But the truth is, you are very likely to find M14 aims, m249's, m24 in every airfield visit. The DMR itself is pretty much a one shot kill with a superb scope. It fires very very quickly and there is no recoil at all. It's so overpowered that it becomes ridiculous. I believe it shouldn't be as near as common as it is. Also what's funny, and which I admit depends on the server and the time since there was a wipe etc. is that probably more than 90% of the people I see above spawn cities has either a DMR or an LMG (or both). I've yet to see someone running with an AK. As a matter of fact, it seems AK and AKM is rarer than a dmr weapon. I think given the sort of game DayZ is, and the arma engine with its great map, the gameplay is best when the weapons are weaker. It gives more room for tactical play, team play and survival. The lonewolf doing all he can to survive would be able to take a hit and still survive. Squads that are into fighting are given fights that lasts longer than 10 seconds in some cases. Right now I think the spawn rates are preventing the optimal experience, seeing every player has DMR's and LMG's. I'd love to see most people having AK and lower stanag variants, combined with CZ550's and a rarer m24 for long range. The LMG's are not as crucial as DMR's as long as they are ironsighted, even though they are still too common obviously. It's still a lot of fun, but it's not reaching its potential atm. Also I believe the czech backpack is too easy to find. Almost everyone is carrying one, and you can almost expect finding one when you run up north to loot military. That one needs a lower drop rate. It feels like the brittish assault pack is rarer, and probably on a good level. I don't know why the Alice Pack was removed. The more backpacks the better variety, and more enjoyable gear improving ladder. Would like to see that one back in, maybe as a 14 or an 18 slotter (maybe 20/22 for brittish assault pack), to separate the backpacks from eachother. It was cool reading about the new fishing feature. I'm yet to find a fishing rod however, and apparently they only seem to spawn along the coast, and it can only be used on the coast. Maybe unrealistic to believe anything will change on this point, but how cool wouldn't it be to fish deeper into the map? You don't have to enable it for all water sources. But pobeda dam for instance is really really large, and in real life I'd expect to find fish there. There are plenty of options here to handle it, in my opinion. Maybe first of all as I pointed out, only select a handful of ponds to have this option. The biggest ones would make sense. It would be fun to give Prud the option, since it's quite centered on the map. It doesn't necessarily have to become too easy to fish. You can limit the ponds to only contain certain fish species compared to fishing in the sea, and the chance of catching anything could be made really really low. I can just imagine how fun it would be going with a friend or two, with one rod each, to fish somewhere, and enjoy twice or triple the chance to catch anything together. When you have made some progress, it's not like you are going back to spawn points to get fish. At least I don't think most experienced players play that way. Having other options would make it much more cool, and something useful. Obviously another suggestion is to introduce the fishing rod to the normal loot. Rare if you want, but I don't like the fact you must interact with the coast to find it. Whether or not my fishing suggestions are even possible to code I don't know (maybe you can't select certain ponds for instance, without using ALL, but then consider using ALL), but it was so cool in theory that I couldn't resist writing about it.
DAYZ EUROPA - The world's finest vanilla DayZ Mod server
anderse replied to vinyljunkie's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Having almost given up on DayZ in all forms due to the nonexistence of proper non/low scripted servers with hardcore settings, good performance and full with players, this server has given the game a reborn to me. If you can live with the fact it runs third person (most people will prefer this anyway), it is perfect in all ways! For me this is to date by far the best you can play of all dayz titles out there, including the active mods and Standalone. I hadn't played since 1.7, and this was a big surprise to me how polished it has become and to hear they are still putting in a lot of effort to improve it further, despite the fact Bohemia doesn't support it, it makes me glad to hear. On top of that I've seen how active the admins are. Haven't faced any issue so far with anything server related. And I've already enjoyed many encounters willing to put up a fight north as well :) The server uses to be full early evening, but I think in all honesty it deserves to be even more popular. So to all european (at least) people that likes a pure version of DayZ, regardless if you are looking for survival or pvp, I would highly recommend this server. After having tested EVERYTHING and playing for almost two years, this is simply the best alternative to date and will be for a long time ahead. Thanks to vinyl for all the hard work with hosting and promoting. See you on the server! -
How do we use the crate? I crafted one yesterday with help of 6 wood piles and nails, but got no clue how this one works. Can I use it as permanent storage like a tent and hide it?
Is it worth buying Dayz standalone yet? [With Developer responses]
anderse replied to Blade4777980's topic in General Discussion
Having played the mod and particularly DayZero for almost a year, DayZ SA is one of the worst games I've ever played. Check out the mod for Arma 2 instead of this, and even if you don't agree, at least wait half a year or more and maybe they have cleaned up the biggest problems and added in a bit of content, but now? No, don't play. Unless you are only looking for running around on the beach and talking with other players, then yeah, it's probably good enough for that.