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About SaveMeJebus

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  1. I've wondered about this too (why capacity on ruined clothing isn't effected or if there were plans) and always thought it would be funny if ruined clothing/backpacks randomly dropped out items with a small audio cue like you had holes in your pockets.
  2. SaveMeJebus

    Why I Kill on Sight

    Only if they don't see you first it would seem.
  3. SaveMeJebus

    Question about "paid" for loot

    I wouldn't see this being a problem ... in many popular mmos guilds had dkp systems where people could save up raid points to "buy" loot when it dropped at a raid. I would think if anyone was going to police this immediately if it were a problem it would be mmo makers.
  4. SaveMeJebus

    Suicide - add safety measure

    Sadly I have seen news stories of people that should have heeded the same advice and unloaded their weapon before posing for a selfie with it ..... definitely sound advice.
  5. SaveMeJebus

    First PC build.

    Well it still doesn't not sound ridiculous ....
  6. SaveMeJebus

    Release singleplayer as soon as possible

    Has quite a bit to do with mods being broken every time they make a tiny change tho .... I wonder, how long would it take for these enthusiastic modders to just get pissed and say screw it because every other patch completely broke their mod? Don't know why people think alowing modding right now is such a good idea with the current game code in such a state of flux.
  7. SaveMeJebus

    First PC build.

    The 1 other thing you may consider putting into the budget is a good aftermarket CPU cooler. The availability/price of the closed loop liquid coolers is a great choice for anything that you may overclock.
  8. SaveMeJebus

    So I crafted my own Improvised Suppressor

    An adapter yes ... prep no, spin the filter on and blow a hole thru it.....
  9. SaveMeJebus

    So I crafted my own Improvised Suppressor

    U know what does work well? ... some auto oil filters have just the right threads to spin on to a barrel >.<
  10. Wow ... I thought that was one of the blockers for getting .58 out of exp? Glad I've been to busy I suppose, maybe later.
  11. Weapon drop bug still exist? That dudes AK was soooo laying at the top of the steps when you ran back into the house you afk'd in.
  12. SaveMeJebus

    Realy Bad Performances Help me please.

    https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2x59j9/eugen_tweet_please_remove_all_the_legacy_startup/ There ya go, thats about the most time I'm going to waste, close enough to direct link. Launch parameters were deemed deprecated over more than 1 post you should be able to find something yourself
  13. SaveMeJebus

    Taser Sniper Rifle

    Maybe just a tranq gun would suffice? Would be a bit more plausible in the environment the game is set in. There has been numerous suggestions about less than lethal weapons though, hopefully this is a mechanic that can be fleshed out later down the line when they actually have proper zombies and server performance under control.
  14. SaveMeJebus

    Accelerated time

    Some people ONLY get to play at night time ... .why would they want to be in game at night all the time as well? Time acceleration is definitely necessary (although maybe not as extreme of acceleration as you speak of). I do wish server descriptions had a format to let you know the acceleration tho ... even a small marker on watch or something would be helpful.
  15. SaveMeJebus

    Interesting, even surprising stats.

    Of all the games on that list though ..... DayZ is still the one I am looking forward to the most as a finished product (if the wait doesn't kill me! :P)