From what I have seen so far the idea of separate slots for each item of clothing seems really good but I think a feature that could increase gameplay experience is to have a total carry weight. This would make you choose what you carry more carefully and from that you could easily extend on it and add even more to the gameplay experience such as the more you carry the slower you walk/run and perhaps the more you carry also means you get thirsty and hungry quicker and overall more tired and warn out. This would add a lot more detail to the survival aspect of the game and this would also make you want to have camps or places to store your gear a lot more often and early on once you spawn. This also effects the combat experience because you would want to try to avoid any conflict with either zombies/infected or other players because if you are carrying a lot and are weighed down you might not want to get yourself into a fight because you are more slow and unfit for a fight. This would make owning vehicles a much better thing to have because 1 you can fill your vehicle with the heavier loot but also it means if you are carrying heavier gear the vehicle can still get you around quicker. This would make even a simple vehicle such as perhaps a peddle bike more needed and helpful because it means you can get around that little bit faster when carrying heavy gear. Also currently in the DayZ mod you carry vehicle parts in your gear, certain items are bigger so take up more slots which is good but I think vehicle parts and bigger items should only be carried around in your hands and not stored in your bag or on your person slowing you down and unfit for any combat unless you have a friend/s to cover you while you walk with the item. This would also help balance and make owning a vehicle perhaps more rare and interesting because it means you want to be a lot more careful with your vehicle because getting the parts you needs means either carrying the part from somewhere back to where you have left your car or it means risking driving your car into perhaps cities to have to load the different parts straight into the vehicle. This would just make owning a vehicle more special and rare but also keeps the game balanced between new spawns and long time survivors because long time survivors would most likely want to try and keep as many vehicles hidden away meaning new spawns have less chance to find a vehicle at all. This idea above of course means bringing vehicles back onto roads and cities with a chance of them being left there due to the owner getting in an ambush or just being killed by zombies.