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About Nogrim

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    cool story bro, you are SOOOO hardcore im scared, seriously i think i peed. i dont give a fuck about how you play or how bad ass you think you are or how awesome this game makes you feel, why you think i would is beyond me. did i ask anyone to hold my hand? no, i asked specifically how to run a private server so i CAN learn on my own with out pathetic fucking idiots like you going on to servers specifically marked noob friendly but you just had to come in to a thread that had nothing at all to do with you and try and wave your little epeen up in the newbies face but all you've acomplished is coming across as some whiny little 18 year old punk whos nuts havent dropped, its just sad go crawl back under your bridge and jerk off to the sears catalogue you fucking loser. i just feel bad for you. for you to need to puff you chest up this much over a game you must have the most pathetic little meaningless life ever you came in here, added nothing to the discussion (aside from giving me a laugh) all over me asking if there was a way to run a private server? just wow, chill out before you have a heart attack from being so fucking hardcore any way.... thank you to the people who weren't complete retards your help is very appreciated, i loaded up a lower pop vetern vanilla server and it made a world of difference started with absolutely nothing, but was able to get in through a town and grab some basic supplies and a some weapons, im now headed inland with enough gear to keep me going for a few days a few questions for those who are actually being helpful where is a good place to find larger back packs? i've read up on a glitch with putting weapons in your bag making them vanish is there a safe way to do it without making it vanish? i found a nice rifle but have no ammo for it and would prefer to use the hatchet until i come across some more ammo
  2. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    yeah your the idiots i was expecting, notice how im trying to learn the game, im no bambie, i would just like to understand how the mechanics work before some low skill putz kills because his epeen is the same size as his RL one. killing brand new players and griefing them just shows how low skill and useless griefers really are, you think it makes you look skilled going on to noobie servers and padding your kill counts? your just pathetic if you think hunting people who don't even know how to defend themselves makes you any sort of skilled player. the real skilled players would be on noob servers helping them learn how to become better and creating a challenge for themselves on other servers in the future.
  3. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    thanks for the replies guys im looking in to self hosting i have 3-4 people looking to get started so your helping a few of us here ill try going with the empty and low pop ones until i get that set up, was counter intuitive to go to low pop servers but now that thats been said it sounds so obvious
  4. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    excellent thats what i was hoping for although im on an ASUS g74sx laptop is that beefy enough to host and play on the same machine?
  5. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    okay given my experience so far this might just not be the zombie survival game im looking for, way to many people focused on the griefing and general deuchbaggery, was worth a shot i guess at least arma2 is a great game anyways so i didn't totally waste my money thanks for not being assholes like most of the people i ran in to in the actual game lol
  6. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    so no one answere my question though is there a way to setup your own server or a offline mode the community seems to be the biggest barrier to entry for the mod
  7. Nogrim

    is there a way to...

    maybe just bad luck on the servers i found, i thought having noob friendly in the damn server name would at least minimize the jackassery id come across ive played a few hardcore games with perma death *original darkfall* i was hoping for a friendly game of survivors teaming up, but so far my experience has been utterly awful. in practice it just comes across as a game built for griefers and thats about it, now on a hardcore server this should be expected sure, but i've been on nothing but "noob friendly" servers. although aside from the community i've been dealing with the game seems pretty cool despite its alpha state se7en thanks ill look in to it
  8. setup and play on a private server so i can play by myself? i want to learn the game but every server i have joined is full of people spawn camping to coast and griefing new players when i ask questions in side chat everyone just calls you a noob and trashes you for not knowing everything there is to know the first time you spawn (and yes this is on supposed noob friendly servers wtf) is there a way to set it up so i can play solo until i learn the basics? so far my experience has been nothing but griefers killing me when i have no more than an axe and a bandage hardcore is fine but at this point its not exactly a fun game and so far the only fun aspect seems to be griefing other players as opposed to any sort of zombie survival, WarZ (now infestation or something) seems like a better choice at this point and thats been getting reviews of 2-3 /10 anytime i asked these questions in game i just get hate like learn2play noob, or stfu its survival deal with it or gtfo maybe this just isn't for me, so far the game seems okay but the community seems fucking toxic