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Everything posted by a55mu11e7

  1. new server with plenty of add-ons, Admins are fair and almost always active (I have no job :-/). Plenty of extra buildings and ALOT of vehicles. Addons include self bloodbag, SargeAI ai was causing too many problems, remove parts, auto refuel, and burn tents. we also have a mumble server and a facebook page we use to send out updates https://www.facebook.../TheWalkingDayZ
  2. bump, come and play! working on adding AI (soldiers,survivors,bandits)
  3. bump, have self blood bag, remove parts, animated heli crashes all working
  4. bamp, just curious does anybody know of a place i can test my new server/mission pbos? so i don't have to bring the actual server down til i know i've got the bugs worked out.