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About Hvesta

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ye I would like to see a lot of fillers like that, but they will hopefully add some later on since this is Alfa after all. It would be awesome that you can search random rotting corpses, take cloths from them and empty they pockets.
  2. Hvesta

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    If I want to read some cool SF story I would read a book.
  3. Hvesta

    Wierd glitch.

    That looks like GFC driver
  4. Hvesta

    Game Breaking Bug

    Good find, did you report it using bug reporting tool?
  5. Hvesta

    The North is almost empty

    I do not know on what servers do you play, we encounter few players up north, last night. No problems there :) Maybe they are just avoiding other players and you did not see them.
  6. Hvesta

    Transport in SA?

    Ye, you have legs :D
  7. So someone already posted how to use "sharp object" and can, and I still see people trying to do it by some "not working way". 1. Can is in inventory. 2. "Sharp object" is in inventory. 3. Left click and drag "sharp object" over the can, icon will become "orange highlighted", release. 4. Option appears to open a can. 5. Eat 6. If it does not work it is bug :D
  8. Hvesta

    Opening with bayonet

    As far as I can see in changelog thread, that update is alive. I might be wrong.