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Everything posted by jerrymonrock

  1. whenever i join a server using the steam version of dayz because i want to play on populated officaial dayz servers because dayz commander does not have populated official servers, anyway whenever i join one it brings up something at the bottom that says you cannot play/edit this mission because it is dependent on downloadable content: (then a bunch of file names). Please help i wish for assistance on this... thank you.
  2. but what im mad about is that you see people in those servers that you cant join....it shows many people in them... and you cannot find official servers on dayz commander... its very annoying... should i use playwithsix?
  3. the issue is that steam made a thing to where you wouldnt need to download it... all you do is download that steam dayz launcher and launch it and bingo... or do you still need to?
  4. Today I wanted to play on an official dayz server so i downloaded the steam version for it... i did not buy CO because i found out about Dayz after i bought Arma 2. So i downloaded OA and followed the steps: open amra 2, OA and OA beta in that order. So once that happend i then ran it in beta patch. found a server I wanted to join and joined it.... then it kicks me and says you cannot play/edit the mission; it is dependent on downloadable content: (then a bunch of file names that i apparently are missing). I re-downloaded over and over doing this order... the same thing keeps happening... can someone help me. Thank you so much.