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evilmonkey (DayZ)

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Everything posted by evilmonkey (DayZ)

  1. evilmonkey (DayZ)

    Incorrect Version?

    I have the exact same problem as you do. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing dayz through play withSIX but that didn't help. Before finding this I also made a thread on their offical help pages ( http://getsatisfacti..._withsix_update )
  2. evilmonkey (DayZ)

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    In my opinion it was a REALLY BAD idea to take the starting pistol away at the minute. I can see it being a good idea in the future, but with no way for someone starting to kill a zombie its pretty crappy. Especially when you can only play in the evenings so I'm stuck running around in the dark being chased with no way to kill them. IN MY OPINION there should always be a way to kill a zombie from spawn. Even if its a pistol with less mags than before. [Edit for spelling.]
  3. I just installed the updater after previously manually installing the mod, I installed and ran the updater and then tried to connect to a server, every time I connect I get disconnected by battleye and I get the message "battleye restriction #16".