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Everything posted by LordDante

  1. LordDante

    Why is the player counter stuck?

    Don't. You won't have children. By then the zombie apocalypse will happen, and we will be hunting for beans and guns instead of reproducing. jk.
  2. LordDante

    How To Play DayZ

    This should be in the Bandit Campfire. I mean literally ,throw it in the fire and let it burn to ashes.
  3. LordDante

    Dr. Ivan plus humanity?

    Aaaaand the thread can be closed.
  4. LordDante

    DayZ Free? . . . .

    *irony mode on* But...but...but it's so much easier to raise a question in the forum! *irony mode off*
  5. LordDante

    How much time does it takes?

    Or Hungary... But it does make a difference if we are talking about 1 megabit or 1 MegaByte /second!
  6. LordDante

    Long term endgame suggestions

    Did not know that, thanks for the info:) Fair enough I guess. On second thought it would be weird if some sort of magical creat appeared with stuff inside (wasn't meaning that by the way, but that would be the easiest way to set it up I guess) Still if I clear a big area of Zeds, I would be happy to at least get some humanity (you know, in real life, the group gets a moral boost wich has a good affect on ones humanity, if they got something big done such as this). More drinving motivation to work together, at least for me.
  7. LordDante

    Starting in a bed and sleep in a bed

    I think it would be just more punishing, than challenging. Imagine, not all people have that kind of time. What if you suddenly have to stop playing for God knows what or you loose the connection. After you get back, should you be punished for not locking yourself in a nice house or not building up a tent? I think it is better to leave it to our imagination how players survive the nights or how they sleep.
  8. LordDante

    DayZ Ideas/thoughts

    There definitely should be more vehicles. I'm not just talking about cars, just vehicles in general. Bikes, quads, hell, skateboards for all I care, just give us more things to drive/ride on :) At the current state only a rare procent of players have the possibility to get one, because of all the car-hoarders. (I have been playing for half a year now, and only had two working vechiles, and one I found not repaired). Horses maybe? That would be awesome!
  9. LordDante

    Best way to occupy yourself during sniping

    Oh, I know a great game to play while sniping! You may have even already heard about it! It is a hardcore survival zombie MMO called DayZ! It's quite the hit right now! Try it, I promise you will have a far better time then sitting on a hill!
  10. LordDante

    Starting in a bed and sleep in a bed

    Oh I can see that in front of me: "WHERE AM I? WHAT IS THIS? HOW DO HELL DO I OPEN THIS?? WHAT BUTTON DO I NEED TO PR... *BAMMM*" :D
  11. LordDante

    Long term endgame suggestions

    No. Just no. Not even as a joke :P But joke aside, I think it would be awesome to be able to get different CLOTHES for a change:) I sooo want a leather jacket... and maybe sunglasses? Yeah! Of course not much "long term" i nthere, so just to stay on topic, it would be great if players would get some reward, for cleaning a whole area of zeds. Like you clean a city, and everyone gets humanity, a weapon, I dunno... It would be nice:)
  12. LordDante

    Starting in a bed and sleep in a bed

    That could actually be good. Why not spawn anywhere on the map, for instance? Why always the beach? It would be tons of fun, spawning in the middle of the forrest, trying to find the closest civilazed landspot. And then it wouldn't be always "OK, lets go north". This could also drasticly reduce fresh spawn kills and Cherno/Electro looting a.k.a. Deatchmatch+Zombies! As for the background? Well as we know, we make our own stories:)
  13. LordDante

    White flag

    Perfect, much appriciated! :) That is indeed a good alternative.
  14. LordDante

    White flag

    Valid point there. But I still think that the outcome of most of the encounters is desided on how FAST you are able to signal that you are friendly. Otherwise the other player might hesitate and kill you. I had this a lot of times, that we stopped, I started typing, but did not have enough time to finish... But yeah, still a good idea on its own:)
  15. LordDante

    Hello! New player here!

    Also you can use flares (espesially during nighttime), tin cans and empty bottles. Throw them where you want to zeds to go, and they will follow. Works like a charm most of the time, and you will have plenty of time to loot any building.
  16. LordDante

    Currently worth buying Arma 2 to play DayZ?

    Buy ArmA II and OA right now. Think about it. You get ArmA II, Operation Arrowhead AND DayZ. Thats 3 games, for what, 10 euros? Totally worth it! :)
  17. LordDante

    Current State of Dayz

    I agree that the infection is a bit of a pain, but zombies bite when they are close, and bites do cause infections in basicly every form of zombie fiction. So I guess it can be considered "realistic". At first I was irretated by it, then I just realized I had to adept. I'm more careful then ever now, and the game just got a lot more exiting (more sneaking, more "OH GOD I F*CKED UP! moments, just like my first time ever playing, makes it more thrilling). On the other side, yes, there should be a better way to cure it or at least more ways, because once you do get infected you are 95% dead. Back in the days, even if you had major blood loss from a fight, you could recover with hunting for a lot of food or animals. Oh and zombies are still bugged like hell. Spawn zone are bugged. Zombies hit animation and distance is bugged. And so on. And lets say you get a bugged critter way up north or west, you will never make it to a hospital. Might as well kill yourself, and that is not fair, nor fun. It is not a challange it is just punishment for an error, that was maybe not even your fault (bug). But all in all that is the rare case, and the new challange is fun:) Let's see what happens next!
  18. LordDante

    White flag

    The idea would be nice, but only if it is linked to a separate button or so. Tampering with the invertory to get the flag, takes waaay too much time. Just press a button, your character winks it, and done, that would be the only way. At least thats what I think.
  19. LordDante

    DayZ Memes

    I had a 5 min brake in my job:) This thread is great!
  20. LordDante


    Huh... I thought this is going to be some origin story to the outbreak of the virus on Chernarus :D Oh I see the headlines: "Wild hunter potatoes cause massive outbreak in Russian towns. Police are clueless." "The population should lock all doors and windows, and should stop buying and eating potatoes, for they could come alive, bite you and turn you into an infested zombie." "Potato pandemic causes millions to die." Reporter on site: "They are everywhere. Potatoes! Oh God, pota...*zrrrrrktt....* "
  21. LordDante

    Reason behind your username?

    Lord was my username for a few years waaaay back (when Diablo II came out, this was the first nickname that I sticked to). Dante is because of my favorite video game character, Dante from Devil may cry (origanal Devil may cry NOT DmC :P) Put the two together, and presto. Some times I just use Dante or Lord, but mostly this form. However people always think its Lord Dante from the Warhammer 40k universe, but when I made the name, I didn't even know he exists. Still feels kinda badass:)
  22. LordDante

    Do you just kill anyone you don't know?

    I am very concerned... The goal of the new update was to encourage players working together, because the enviroment became more hostile. Well been playing ever since the update is out, and the player kills did not stop. In fact, it got worse. The devs kinda misunderstood basic human nature. If there is pleanty goods, medium threat from the enviroment, then players will some times kill each other for fun (or just becaus, since you know, human nature). But now that everything is trying to kill you and supplies are harder to come by, players kill not for fun, but because they want to /need to. It is always like this. Whenever there is less of something to share, people become animals, and do whatever to stay alive. This is happening in DayZ right now. Everyone becomes a killer, becase it is easier to get the supplies from someones corpse, then an infested town part. Me? I'm still a good guy. I never shoot, always run away, get killed a lot. It's how it goes.These are my facts. Since the update I have met around 7 people, from that 6 tried to kill me, 1 offered help.