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Posts posted by sawboss

  1. Hi folks, i would like to introduce our Chernarus Overpoch PVE server. After many weeks tweaking and customizing the server we feel it is in a good place to take in new players. Come join us and see for yourself :)



    Or search for CBA on dayz launcher/commander



    Server features



    Relaxed, mature PVE Only environment

    Lots of custom areas with roaming ai

    1 stage building


    No overburden

    Snap build

    Self BB

    Deploy bike

    No base maintenance/decay

    Active admins/mods


    Extra hero vehicles



  2. Hi all, my friends and i have set up an epoch server from gaming deluxe, it comes bare bones minimum with traders not even having some correct weapons, crap prices etc. We have a hand full of scripts we we would love to add but have no clue. No matter how many tutorials i watch i just cannot grasp  code editing, my brain wont take it in :(  Anyone have the time/patience to help us out? Would really be much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance





  3. Hi guys, fairly new player here (about 2 or 3 months)  Looking to join a well disciplined and organized small group of  mature people with excellent comms and awareness .  I dont mind if its a bandit squad or whatever you guys run, oh and im 37 so maturity is a must for me. Also im in the UK so needs to be EU servers please, im free to play any time im pretty active all day every day. I have Mumble, TS3 and Vent with working mic. Would prefer Chernarus/Taviana maps but open to suggestions.



    Thanks for taking the time to read this if you did :)






