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Everything posted by sawboss

  1. Hi folks, i would like to introduce our Chernarus Overpoch PVE server. After many weeks tweaking and customizing the server we feel it is in a good place to take in new players. Come join us and see for yourself :) IP- Or search for CBA on dayz launcher/commander Server features -------------------- Relaxed, mature PVE Only environment Lots of custom areas with roaming ai 1 stage building JSRS No overburden Snap build Self BB Deploy bike No base maintenance/decay Active admins/mods WAI+DZAI Extra hero vehicles -------------------------
  2. Hi all, my friends and i have set up an epoch server from gaming deluxe, it comes bare bones minimum with traders not even having some correct weapons, crap prices etc. We have a hand full of scripts we we would love to add but have no clue. No matter how many tutorials i watch i just cannot grasp code editing, my brain wont take it in :( Anyone have the time/patience to help us out? Would really be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Ryan
  3. Hey Hoplit, your website seems to be down so posting here. Basically my friends and i started an epoch server and desperately need help with scripts, and by the looks of it you are the guy to ask. The whole coding things is a out of my league and just cannot grasp it, we only really want/need a handful of scripts, any chance you could help us out?
  4. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    come and join us on origins, all welcome!
  5. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

  6. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

  7. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    come and join us on our origins server, details in my sig ;)
  8. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    Come join us on Origins! :)
  9. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    Come join us on origins, bump for great justice!
  10. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    Bumparoo! :D
  11. sawboss

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    Would like to try origins, usually just play overwatch, but i put an app in on the forum guys, hope to hear from you soon :)
  12. self BB would probably bring in more players ;)
  13. PMed you mate, dunno if you're still on or what?
  14. Hi Grunt cheers for the reply, id be up for a run with you guys definitely, you sound what like what im looking for. Will get back to you later today sometime, got a funeral this morning so will be afternoon/early evening. Cheers mate.
  15. Hi guys, fairly new player here (about 2 or 3 months) Looking to join a well disciplined and organized small group of mature people with excellent comms and awareness . I dont mind if its a bandit squad or whatever you guys run, oh and im 37 so maturity is a must for me. Also im in the UK so needs to be EU servers please, im free to play any time im pretty active all day every day. I have Mumble, TS3 and Vent with working mic. Would prefer Chernarus/Taviana maps but open to suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you did :) Ryan
  16. sawboss

    Looking for players

    Thanks Spitfyre, checked out the site :)