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About Deception.

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Over the Rainbow
  1. Deception.


    Honestly, guys, I wouldn't go looking for things to pick on like that because you don't know for sure. This guy posts his videos and you call him out for that? Who knows, maybe the server mega-spawns military loot and MK48 Mods can be found in firestations and ghille suits can be found en masse inside pubs. We just don't know. If we did, I'd be on your side, though.
  2. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: Why people, oh why? Have some humility for god sakes!
  3. Deception.

    Phone Problems..?

    Your phone is trolling you. This is a common issue. Make it sit in the corner for a few hours on low battery. Should solve itself out.
  4. Deception.


    Not really too much of what I expected. You don't fail that spectacularly. Had you, for instance, had 2 consecutive UAZs that you found ramp of a railroad track at 30kph, do a mid-air corkscrew, and then land on their side, I wouldn't be writing this. But as unfortunate as it could be not everyone can have the same shit luck as me. You just gotta get better cuts. Maybe do more daring and extravagant things with very low success rates, so they have much more hilarious outcomes?
  5. DAYUM YOU ANGRAH, BOI! WHY YOU SO ANGRAH ALL THE TIME? Seriously, relax, man. I don't really see why you need to get all huffy puffy about it, cool down before you blow a gasket. Geez.
  6. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: 3.... ....is a magic number.
  7. But do we have access to the alpha, genius? I think not.
  8. Deception.

    Leaving notes

    I hope there will be some way to access other players' journals in the next patch or in alpha.
  9. Deception.

    The amount of Rangefinders is too damn high

    Derp :wacko:
  10. Deception.

    The amount of Rangefinders is too damn high

    It should have been "Changing my name to Exception.."
  11. Deception.

    Meanwhile in Cherno

    It isn't possible to get trapped on the firestation roof. There's ladders on all sections. But that's funny. Some guy I was fighting tried to kill me and ended up glitching through a window and falling to his death. I was disappointed I didn't get the kill.
  12. Deception.

    The amount of Rangefinders is too damn high

    You forgot the .
  13. Deception.

    To many private hive servers

    Go join BMRF. They host a wide variety of DayZ servers that are all connected by their own hive, kind of like a public hive, and have lots of players that play them. Oh, right, and their almost entirely vanilla except for a firestation at NEAF and Kamenka, I think. I haven't found anything else out of the ordinary. Regular vehicles, guns, and a scarce supply of them, at that! Also are running Or don't, and keep complaining. Your choice. (I know you're not complaining- no one ever is) Teehee
  14. Deception.

    Dayz for ARMA cold war assault?

    Hooah. Hooah you to come in heeyah and think thaht you can jus'... ask fohr something like this and it will be heeyah? Hooah ya? Hooah ya, huh? All I can give you is what TacticalN29 said. ArmA is old technology. Combine that with DayZ's already buggy gameplay and... well... I don't even want to go there.