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About glovine

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. glovine

    What is this? (hacked or normal)

    Thanks guys, makes sense!
  2. Hey guys, Was travelling to Zub castle and saw this .. never seen this before.. The three tents were not interact-able, but there were approximately three loot spawns (painkillers, revolver and some other minor gear), zombies were spawned in but weirdly they were all laying down until I approached them. Is this a random spawn thats part of the game? or has someone hacked this in? The zombies and loot is whats confusing if this is the case.
  3. glovine

    Server issue..

    I thought that might be the case, but everyone seemed to complain that nothing was appearing at all.. Perhaps over exaggeration? The other error, anyone?
  4. glovine

    Server issue..

    If this is not allowed or meant to be in this forum.. I apologise in advanced! We recently set up a Private DayZ Server for our community, but we are encountering some issues. We are running Vanilla DayZ with no additional mods. Problem 1) Minimal Spawn of loot Whether its just the changes in loot spawn rates or not, we are encountering little or no spawn on the server. I am aware of the increased spawn locations but we can run into say both fire houses at Electro and have nothing in them, except empty tins.. It seems to be very different to what I remember it being when we last hosted a Private Server.. We can start the server up, have say four of us join, all go on foot and search buildings and barely find anything. The hospital as example, had a heatpack and empty tins. The second return to it had nothing at all.. Problem 2) Error on command launcher on startup.. When the launcher runs, we get a error stating " The server loads fine and we can join no problems. Wondering if this error has anything to do with the first problem. Surely cant be good to just ignore it. Any advice would be great. If this is in the wrong location, I am happy to delete and find the right spot for it.