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About Winch101

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Im 23 from Central Time zone. - English as first and only langauge. ( as long as you speak some english we're good :) - I have a Mic -Basic knowledge and understanding of the game. -Long time fan of realism/hardcore fps game play. *Ive had ARMA 2 for about a week now (20+ hours put in) *Ive played Origins (but prefeer Vanilla) * I prefeer public servers but would siwtch to hive if necessary. I am looking for a Clan or large dedicated group that has plenty of members online at most times. Ive done quite a bit of research on dayz to familurize myself but I don't know everything so patience and helpful guidance is appreciated. Definatley looking for people who like to have fun and maybe even roleplay from time to time. I can definatley be a serious player, but very mutch dislike when people are "too serious" about the game.