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About Nottrueuser

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. "If the zombie apocalypse does ever happen, I'm just going to kill the first person I see on a hill with an axe, take his AS50, then put it in my tent. Then give one to each of my friends." haha I laughed so bad, hilarious!!!
  2. Nottrueuser

    [VIDEO] Perfect NVG Timing...

    Piu sound is serious! i laughed, nice video!
  3. Nottrueuser

    DayZ Wiki iOS App

    detailed maps with car locations, loot sheet, most common places for heli crashes et cetera. A map is the best thing you could do and maybe a weapon comparison. because the rest of the wiki, everybody knows more or less simply out of playing the game :thumbsup:
  4. Nottrueuser

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    FInally a very clever, very nice looking an well thought out design of the inventory! I want to see it in the game! you would give you all my :beans: :)
  5. For me, no matter how much it costs, I would buy it, but it has to be 1-time-payment. I would not buy it (even for 10€) if there was a shop or updates you have to pay for, or DLC you have to pay for, or special weapons you have to pay for. We all know how much having an advantage in this game can improve your expectancy of life (ghillie suit). So, as I said, if there was only anything which could be bought separately in this game, I would not buy the whole game, since I am only ready to pay once for the game itself. This means, that if there was a WOW system of monthly payments, I would not buy it.
  6. Nottrueuser

    What is the Beta Patch?

    Thank you very, very much Jmoney, Wüstenfuchs and blackfuse! Your answers were very complete, very helpful and now my confusion about the Beta Patch is gone. I have rarely seen such a great approach and support to people`s problems on other forums. Awsome DayZ-Forum is awsome :P
  7. Nottrueuser

    What is the Beta Patch?

    Hello everybody! At the moment I am still playing with the update, partly because of bugs which are in 1.7 and partly because until now I didn`t want to mess with the "Beta Patch", because it doesnt make sense to me. Please answer the following seven questions to help me and others understand what the Beta Patch is, and why is it used. I would be grateful if you would keep my 1-8 structure and repeat the 8 points in your answers. 1. What exactely is the Beta Patch? 2. What is it adding/modifiying in the game? 3. Is it obligatory to have it installed, to be able to play the 1.7 and 1.7.1 Updates for DayZ? 4. Why is it usefull for DayZ? 5. Will we get further updates NOT requiring the install of the Beta Patch? 6. The word "Beta" irritates me: there are hundreds of builds of this patch, latest being 93666. Why is it still a Beta? What makes it being a Beta? 7. Can I uninstall the Beta Patch once it is installed? 8. Are the bugs in 1.7 resolved? (ocean spawn, when ghillie suit on, et cetera) Thanks in advance, Nottrueuser