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About tsurotu

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. tsurotu

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    yeh, it is now unplayable for me. I can't move without moving twice as much 20seconds later. I think I'll wait for hotfix tomorrow before playing again
  2. tsurotu

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Rubber banding now worse than pre-patch on 113953 servers, you can be sitting looting and suddenly slide through a wall and continue through 3 houses and come to rest 200m away from where you were. Inventory does seem more responsive, however.
  3. tsurotu

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    you're one sick motherfucker OP. Not cool. I may shoot people on sight in a game, but youre the kind of twisted individual who seems to think that computer games are real.
  4. tsurotu

    My first few times playing DayZ

    the DMR is best for doing that at range when you know they have a friend. Friend comes, morphine/blood. Both die.
  5. tsurotu

    i hate this game :(

    Thats a good thing. You dont WANT to see any other players, or at least, you dont want them to see you.
  6. remember kids, when you have a gun in your backpack you TAKE it out, do not PUT another one in. It is the bag that kills the gun, not the slot on your back. So, when switching guns, always open your pack and move your gun from the bag TO your weapon slot. Do it the other way around and you will lose one of the guns.
  7. tsurotu

    Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

    Exactly my point. Why people bleat about global bans here is beyond me.
  8. tsurotu

    Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

    You get right on that... When you're done, give me a shout. Oh you want the DayZ team to do it? Ah, sorry. They're busy rewriting quicktime on windows for me so it can actually be some use and function like VLC does.
  9. tsurotu

    Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

    dont run fraps PROBLEM SOLVED
  10. Are you? I mean really? :P
  11. tsurotu

    admins are abuseing

    "We don't want" =!= We will blacklist your server. I feel that Ander's post is, to be perfectly honest, wrong. If you are combat disconnecting you deserve the ban. Absolute horseshit that you think you deserve to complain, when you dont even play fair yourself.
  12. Server hopping is exploit. Ghosting (lobby and back) either in firefight or to drop zombie aggro is exploit. Glitching to see through walls is exploit. Duping is exploit. Finally, abusing the scripting system of Arma is an exploit. All of these will get you banned. You cannot expect to exploit game mechanics and get away with it. In this case, the admin is calmly putting his points forward, as was the OP before it got a bit heated. OP, if he didnt ghost, server hop or exploit during a firefight, probably not right he got banned. If he did he should take it like a man and learn not to be a douche. I back the server admins 100% in banning for ghosting or exploiting aggro with zombies.
  13. tsurotu

    US 144 - Server restart without warning

    Oh boohoo. Listen, you *cannot* roll servers back. They cannot get their stuff back by restarting, yes a vehicle may revert to a position and be in the state it was when it was last saved, but if the hive knows that it is destroyed, thats the end of it. It wont magically return. Additionally, how exactly do you know that the guys were the admins in either case? And finally, if your first instinct is to come here and cry about it, you will just get trolled. You either get in touch with the admins (as many as possible, not just one) of the server. Log every conversation and record every voice comm. Get EVIDENCE, because I know if you just come on here with a nice story, youre gonna get trolled. IF you have evidence that they did it, perhaps someone will take note, right now, youre just one of hundreds with a "cool story bro".