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Everything posted by DirtPoacher

  1. DirtPoacher

    The Eastern Bandit

    Just encountered this earlier. Full gear etc.
  2. DirtPoacher

    A Hacker?

    So, i died logged back in, I heard gunshots and it didn't sound like a makarov so I went towards them. Way up in a mountain I saw a guy with a ghillie and a fancy l85 he shot at me so I killed him. He had an L85 with the infrared like 12 magazines with a huge backpack an Silenced Berreta and a whole bunch of other stuff. I thought to myself oh well maybe its just someone that has accumulated alot of stuff over time. So, i took his stuff and started looking through the infrared down at elektro and it was pretty cool because I could see everything. but here is the funny part, about 10 minutes later another guy in a ghillie with the same exact stuff comes and tries to kill me. His name was also about the same as the last guy. Then someone with a makarov who I guess was watching decided to shoot me after the exchange of gunfire with this "Player" his name was sneal with numbers behind it and I think they were different every time. I would really hope to know that this awesome game was getting hacked so some loser could sit on top of a mountain 1000m away and just snipe all day and have infinite ammo etc.
  3. DirtPoacher

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Simple. Game is broken without bandit skins because everyone is killing each other without consequences. I do aggree that the Zeds needs to be improved. For example them stopping and not being able to hit you unless your standing still practically but yet they run like Olympians, wtf? But the game is just "Kill on Sight" now.
  4. DirtPoacher

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I'm tired of all the excuses I'm seeing on this post. The bandit skins made perfect sense because you could Identify people. With the large amount of new people coming into the game everyone just shoots each other now because there are no consequences. I'm tired of hearing "but bandit skins aren't realistic". I know it is not realistic for someone to instantly change clothes because of an action. This is part of the game that should have stayed and don't make excuses just to contradict me. Bandit skins helped hold the game together and now its just a shootem up.