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Everything posted by Killjôy20

  1. An idea I have for the Dayz standalone is kinda improvised crafting. Even with few materials people are capable of making some very effective things. So why not add improvised weapons,fires,ect.? Here is a few things that would be useful and make use of common household items. -I don't know a name for this one. It's a kinda aluminum can stove that uses two empty cans and alcohol to make a small and hot fire. It's a pretty cool and it takes household items to create. it could probably not be used to cook meat but seems more practical to be used to boil water or provide light. -Lithium bottle bomb. Lithium is a metal found in some batteries that reacts to water in a destructive manner. A lithium bottle bomb is basically the lithium from a battery put into a bottle of water and then closed off with the cap. It can make whoever gets hit by it have a very bad day along with multiple severe burns. (Science is fun ) The only bad part about them is that it has to be made on the spot because lithium when oxidized doesn't work well in the bomb. -Air horn + strong tape. I already know you can guess what this does. Attach tape to hold down the button on an air horn and throw it to distract nearby zombies. - "Flamethrower". You take pbc piping, a strong adhesive, hair spray and corn starch. Make a potato gun with the piping and adhesive then use the corn starch in place of the potato.It releases a blast of fire out of the front of the potato gun when you fire it. Downsides: One shot per reload and it is occasionally fails to fire. -"Can opener" Concrete is a really good for opening beans. You rub the top of the can against the concrete then after a little while then you'll be able to squeeze the can and pop the lid off. That's about it let me know what you think below and have a nice day with the knowledge of how to make a "Flamethrower" and a lithium bomb, but seriously don't try to make the weapons or else you might burn half of your face off (and yes, I'm pretty sure they can do that.)