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Everything posted by nightshadow

  1. nightshadow

    Rocket, please read.

    I know what i say has no dang meaning but if it was just Dayz we were blacklisted from why cant we bring up our MineCraft server that we have set up on the same box? just a thought wont be saying nothing else have better things to do with my day then this
  2. well concidering the two main heads of legion have been dealing with a lot i dont think they know this so rather then bashing why dont you just let them know whats going on.
  3. you say what you dont know hmm does any person on here know that [Legion] bans hackers and kicks them from the clan? guess not im not going to sit here and fight with a bunch of people who dont like [Legion] you dont like them dont play with them get over it really i mean this is just stupid
  4. Really I what you say has no effect on me becasue this just made me see how childish some people can be, i mean really if [Legion] did this to every clan that said something bad about them that would be a lot of war
  5. I really feel this should be closed. It was started because one person said something who is not a head of legion nor did it have anything to do with the topic he posted under. I dont care if you down right hate legion this was stupid and only makes it look bad for both groups now
  6. Cori had no right to say the things he did and I will be sure to talk to Nomad and Chaos about what has happened but their will be no throwing someone out of Legion just because of what he said i would like for you to know that their is anoter post that makes your name look bad I found this not to long ago and two you dont have to go and post this you could have PM the leaders of legion who are two very nice guys when on their good side so
  7. cuz you probably asked at the time he didnt have headphones in next time send him a poke the box is acting up give him a min and he will fix it if you just asked he cant hear anything just poke him its easier and he will for sure get it
  8. their is an admin on because im looking at the guy sitting not even 5 feet from me on his computer why didnt you ask nomad?
  9. nightshadow

    Banned from Dallas 3 Legion?

  10. nightshadow

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Yes there was and this is known like Chaos has said. These members are known by the admins and if not already delt with will be. Legion members will not act like that nor should any gamer.
  11. nightshadow

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Legion will not put up with hacking as Nomad will not stand for it let me tell you this Nomad is not a very happy person right now about a legion member doing this.
  12. nightshadow

    cheaters spawning gear

    I think if a person has to hack to play a game then they do not need to be playing whats the fun in that. if this was real life those hacker would be the first to die off
  13. nightshadow

    US9 locked for personal farming and PvE

    well a lot of people i guess i mean some people buy more then one server so that if they want to do something like take videos of them killing walkers than they can and still have others open for people i mean its not like they have it locked 24/7
  14. nightshadow

    US9 locked for personal farming and PvE

    legion does not lock their servers to play alone but to fix things that were messing up so stop hating on legion i get it half of yall dont like them and really they dont care so stop trying to make them mad because i know they dont care about this he says she says stuff anymore
  15. this video and more just prove more to the reason everyone bashes each other because people spend their time just killing others like i saw another video the other day of people hunting just legion players and you guys want them to play fair aswell.
  16. nightshadow

    Mass killing and Player killing

    its not just that video their are others of players just hunt others that was just the last one i saw it just shows what the game has turned into. people are just killing everyone now on one server a group said that whoever entered some city and was not part of there group would be shot on sight just for the fact they were not part of them. this is why their is so much bashing going on its because no one wants to just play the game they want to hunt down the people or groups they dislike and toll them till they rage quit
  17. nightshadow

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    so i see a lot of legion hate going around on the forums and doesnt seem like anyone has tried to talk to Nomad? or another member about whats going on they are not on all the time and dont know about everything if you keep them up to date they can keep things right and fix the problems, let them know the problem and it will be fixed. Member abuse of any kind is not allowed in Legion.
  18. nightshadow

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Well sorry use your freedom i just think you should just give Legion a chance and get to know the guys their not half bad once you know them hell their a bunch of nuts well some of them try talking to them i think the misunderstanding can be sorted out and fixed
  19. nightshadow

    Ban Appeal?

    This is what i see here "OMG he banned me i'm going to die thats so not fair like OMG i'm so going to go bit** about it and like make all these people hate them cuz like OMG its just not fair at all like really" really get over it, its just wait for it wait for it its just a GAME not real life stop your b**ching really this is HIGH SCHOOL crap whoever is banning will be talked to and it will be taken care so stop your highschool bi***ing
  20. nightshadow

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Okay all you little cry babies one get a life and stop bitching legion is paying for the darn crap you play on you dont like it get your own. Two no one told you to play with the guys, grow a pair come on you get kicked big deal its not the end of the world. I mean a lot of people go after Legion members just because their Legion and that is so stupid. All you little babies get on here and cry about when Legion is doing over and over again dang just stay off the freaking servers they have if its such a big deal the person who paid for this crap works long hard days and just wants to play on the server that he worked for and yall need to just get over yourselves and get a life join a new server make your own clan but stop being a baby.