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Everything posted by sabre05

  1. Off topic but it has been for a fair few posts so I shall just say this. I like 3rd Person primarily because it makes the mod easier. Which is nice because it's buggy as tits and on a platform that wasn't meant to be bent into a DayZ shape. However, with the Standalone I hope they make sound more of an impact to gameplay and remove your 3rd person capability to be more immersive and intense. So for instance, in the mod you can 3rd person to look over a wall or around a corner to see if anyone is there. Where as in 1st person you can lean around a corner to peak, or try and listen out for people. It would certainly be intense as fuck.
  2. Work on it and support it, yes. But once the game is fully released some of the team will move to help Dean and Co in developing DayZ while core members will stay on A3.
  3. Well from the Matt Lightfoot video a few pages back, he seemed to just drag the box to the clip and load it that way. So Dean must have done that change rather early on.
  4. I c wat u did thur. I'm sure that if Dean and co will allow players to do custom skins and such, the books in the game will be re-textured into porno mags. EDIT: Of course you would have to install the modified textures and only you and others with them would see. But if that ever happened I guarantee that 60% of the deaths would be by one handed reading.
  5. My left ear enjoyed that video.
  6. Well it's a game being made on a rather low budget compared to others. It will be focusing on survival more so than most games I've played/heard of, and as a result will push most players away anyway. There is a core group of people on the forum who will buy the alpha (Myself included) that will at least let them tip-toe to breaking even on the costs of creation. Then streamers and Youtubers will get a hold of it. Spread their videos to their thousands or millions of viewers, some of which will buy the alpha and give it a go. Therefore bringing more money in. Then later in development people who opted out of alpha may think 'Oh, this looks a lot better now. I'll give it a go now." Bringing even more money in. The point is they WILL make their money back and then some. They don't need to make the money back whilst it's in Alpha with buckets of bugs and a limited amount of content. The finished full release of the game will see them make their money back if they hadn't already.
  7. What's facepalm about that?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03Mpxtl4Rdg Oh look, Dean says they are waiting on the multiplayer bubble to be finished before they push Alpha and they still don't have a timeframe. Released this week my herpes.
  9. Well then I need what ever you two are smoking or snorting. Because not once has Dean said the Alpha will be released for Gamescon or even near there. Shit, in the devblog this topic is based on, he says they will review the next milestone at the end of this month to see if it's ready for release. AFTER Games Con has finished. So you guys must be on hallucinogenics or just putting words in his mouth.
  10. Yeah...... No. Just no.
  11. that's pretty much the DayZ Forum link that Fraggle posted above yours.
  12. So you want people who made a map in a game made of cubes with predetermined textures to what? Code the game? Create skins? Models? Work on the map? Do animations? I dabble on Minecraft and by no means do I think I would be capable of developing even a flash game, let alone an actual game.
  13. He can't be sure that the public won't use the code elsewhere, or that they will do what he requires for the game, but with the team he has now he can trust them to make the game how he wants it to be made. Your logic is good for mods, but terrible for a stand alone game. It would be like inviting random people off the street to build a skyscraper. It's not feasible.
  14. Check Deans twitter, he's been tweeting about doing fixes with Gamescon in mind.
  15. That would be counter productive to the game. Streamers often bring in new players to games who either haven't heard of the game before or wanted to see some game play before buying it. If you encourage streamers not to play or to have the hassle of everyone knowing them straight away that could be detrimental to games sales in the long run.
  16. Yeah, cause that is authentic as fuck!
  17. You know what I'd enjoy? Nothing you've suggested. As for skills and abilities, what's to stop someone from skilling into guns doing more damage/taking less durability/finding more ammo and fucking up people for no reason? You just contradicted yourself quite hard then.
  18. No I'm not that player architype. I shoot people if they're a threat, such as in my vercinity, going where I need to go, shooting at me etc. I still think that what you are suggesting is fucking ridiculous beyond words and the fact you suggested it leads me to believe you turn into a whiny bitch when killed by the aforementioned 'naughty people'. While you're at it why not track and ban IPs of people who say Fuck shit balls twat or cunt? Some people might find those words offensive! LETS BAN THEM!! Fucking stupid if you ask me. EDIT: In fact, while you're at it, why not remove guns, melee weapons and the melee mechanism? That will stop people killing other people! YEAH! Make it a zombie survival horror FPS simulator without guns because someone might just use a bullet to hurt someone else!
  19. That doesn't excuse the fact that what you are suggesting is as retarded as Helen Keller. You suggest to kick/ban someone because they killed someone in a game about killing things with a malicious intent? Why don't you just ban 97% of the DayZ community off the bat? It's one of the most stupid suggestions I've heard since Christians state that being gay is a choice. It's fucking cretinous to the core. If that came to fruition then the game would be utter horse shit. Thank fuck Rocket isn't idiotic enough to implement anything as mind-bogglingly stupid.
  20. Why would you suggest banning someone that kills people to fuck up their day? Killing someone is perfectly legal in this game, it doesn't brake any rules, any terms of service agreements or anything of the sort. Banning someone for killing you means you're either a pussy, or an admin power abusing pussy. Even to suggest reporting someone and tracking their IP/CDKey for killing you is fucking stupid, if people didn't want to get killed in DayZ they shouldn't be fucking playing the game in the first place.
  21. Maybe Fraggle should have one too....
  22. Or you might have died, ran back to your body to get your items and come off of it with cholera.