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About cottoxgaming

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  1. cottoxgaming

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Please some admin tell me why ain't any servers up? :P on experimental patch
  2. cottoxgaming

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Experimental is down!!! Please fix it .
  3. cottoxgaming

    Mountain Pack vs. Hunting Pack

    only 5 items more on big mountain pack... Yes for the camo and it is small, so u ain't so visible .
  4. cottoxgaming

    Character wipes still happening?

    I never have got wipen .
  5. cottoxgaming

    Concept Tab menu

    one problem... its very bad to see your stuff and stuff on the ground if u are in hurry, or zombies are close .
  6. cottoxgaming

    Want to start playing, have a few questions.

    You should be okay, i have 5MB connection and totally fine, no problems, i had 1MB internet but then wasnt dayz released .You should be fine... , updates are pretty rear.. I mean bigger ones . biggest one i remember was about 1 gb .
  7. cottoxgaming

    Loving the New Zombies

    Sorry my English ain't good cause i am 15 years old lil boy , who lives at Europe And yes i like zombies ... But they should only change theyr respawn system .
  8. cottoxgaming

    Loving the New Zombies

    Jeah love new zombies, they should change something about respawn system cause , really i don't like zombies spawning infront of my face ... And they should make them a little bit slower, so i can run away from them if needed .
  9. U idiot? There really can't be better one.. Meaby some easy fixes to make it better a little but how is melee combat is shit? Meaby little melees are shit, cause they are little!! But axe is very good but only problem is that it hits funny, cause my friend hit a zombie, i was to his back and i died ... i killed 21 zombies with a farming hoe ....
  10. I would even like more zombies, but only thing before that is fixing zombies bugs,running thought walls and seeing u from 1km away and stuff like that... This is a zombie survival game so more zombies , i took out 21 zombies with a farming hoe, got hit one time but could bandage it after ... Very great updates, but need to fix running through shit .. u use axe or something for close combat... How uses gun if zombie is away from u like 6 meters?
  11. cottoxgaming

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Dafuq is this real??? http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/02/24/dean-hall-plans-to-step-down-as-lead-designer-of-dayz/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=emp
  12. cottoxgaming

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Okay,i had everything in low and i got 30-60 frames
  13. cottoxgaming

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    CPU: Intel Core i3 2120 3,3GHz Sandy Bridge GPU: AMD HD6670 1GB RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz This should be motherboard: Intel H61 How i would run it? Plz reply