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About evilkhaoz

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. evilkhaoz

    Scary Situation

    cool story bro :P
  2. Server renamed to Us 651 Discussion thread here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9013-seattle-32/ If a mod could change my old thread tittle to this thread's and delete this thread I would appreciate it. Anyone who is looking for there lost home and or favorite server we didn't go down we just changed names thank's for reading....
  3. evilkhaoz

    Seattle 32

    Now DayZ US 651 mod plz change my tittle to DayZ US 651 formerly Seattle 32 discussion thread please :)
  4. evilkhaoz

    Seattle 35 Removed

    HFB openly state's that locking pass wording or breaking dayz TOS for hosting will result in server being shut down without refund. I am a hfb customer and I will continue to be. Break the rule's lose your server easy as that.
  5. evilkhaoz

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    The 47 miller group plays on my server regularly I have yet to have one DC on me during pvp. I have died to them and killed them more time's than I can count they have no 1 time ever dc'ed from my server to avoid death. Just putting that out there.....
  6. evilkhaoz

    Seattle 32

    No problem man I play here and like to keep it up 100% of the time with good latency for our players and hack/exploit free as a can. Thanks for playing here we like to keep in contact with those we kill for beans it makes it more fun friendly rivalry is awesome.
  7. evilkhaoz

    No night time.

    My server is normal day night cycle and I have a steady group of players who like night. They need to make it so it's not fucking pitch ass black all the damn time though I never see the moon anymore =-(
  8. evilkhaoz

    Seattle 32

    SERVER IS UP The problem was I upgraded to a 60 slot and then throttled it to 40 because I dont really want my server to be the 60 players meat grinder coast war servers. But the system my host use's to stop admin abuse stops me from setting it to 40 if its a 60 slot server. Yes I think thats dumb as Rocket requires 40 min on the server slots so if i set it bellow 40 I could see the system shutting it down and warning me. But for lowering it to 40 just because I upgraded to 60 and having my server shut off for 2 days is kinda dumb. So for now were a 60 player server. I hope to be able to drop it back down to 40 or 50 max thanks everyone who plays here. SO SO very sorry for the downtime.
  9. evilkhaoz

    Seattle 32

    ATTN regulars of seattle 32 the server is not gone and i did pay the bill. The reason it has been down is something to do with an error on my hosts end and should be resolved asap . I recently upgraded to 60 slots and something may have went wrong in the transition ill post here when its fixed. I work at the local gentlemans club wed/thurs as a dj so sorry its been tough trying to get ahold of my host while working 4pm tell 4am stay tunned for details. Ok they are looking into it now so it may be up and down a bit. In the long run it may have to move to a different machine. My regulars please stick with us i promise server downtime will be minimal as i play myself every day. This king of big issue hardly ever happens so thanks for playing with and against me on seattle 32 hope to see you guys in game asap... Posting from crapdroid
  10. evilkhaoz

    Seattle 92 shutting itself off

    It is not a scheduled restart it's something with on HFB's end seattle 32 is also doing the same thing for a good 32 hour's now.
  11. Edit the sub user's permissions and make sure you have "access this service" selected' date=' its at the top in bold (I missed it the first time too because it looks like a heading) [/quote'] IF any HFB staff is on please check ticket system I need assistance asap :shy:
  12. evilkhaoz

    Sniper got what he deserved.

    so much boohoo made in not enjoyable to watch
  13. evilkhaoz

    legal or not

    bump please someone?
  14. evilkhaoz

    legal or not

    Shot a guy in cherno on the sniper tower he had a m110 TWS has some sort of crazy infared scope and take's mk17 mags i have never even seen?
  15. evilkhaoz

    S.T.A.R.S Clan Needs to come talk to me.

    The 2 sissy's crying in the background is the best part of the whole video. WAAAMBULANE I cant get out of the main city's BOOHOO no morphine when you start cry cry....