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Everything posted by Weiss-Stolz

  1. Weiss-Stolz

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    I know the Macbook you're talking about so you must be getting it used, how much are you paying for it? Do you need to use MacOS? The 9400m was a good videocard for it's time but I would not want to run Arma II on it. It could also be a bit prone to heating up and even overheating if you don't make sure the heatsink exhaust and fan is clean. This is one reason Apple actually switched to lower power video cards after this. It's a good computer I still have one working fine, installed 8 gb of RAM for $80, I had to replace the fan once, found on amazon for around $13. I open it up from time to time to clean the dust out. But if I had around $800 - $900 to spend I'd build a small form factor mini-itx, putting around $200 - $250 in the video card. I would chose a motherboard that allows for a Hackintosh setup. Check out Silverstone cases like SG-05 http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=210&area= Much smaller than regular desktops, efficient cooling. If you can get the Macbook for a good price and it works good and need MacOS then get it but running Arma II might not be as fun as it should...