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Larsen (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Larsen (DayZ)

  1. Larsen (DayZ)

    [] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

    Yesterday me and my friends hunting near the Novi Sobor and shoot one man. Then we killed the second. So we can't go to check the loot. We sit and wait and then the bodies dissapeared. Then we killed three more players. All of them have good loot, but we can't take it, because this is certain death. So, i think, that the bodies dissapears too fast.
  2. Hi! What i need to do if i faced with this problem: i think what i saw the admin's base with tents, stone walls, cars (alot of cars). I killed the guies, which secure this territory and my friends take the cars but then we are all was kicked from server and the server is shutting down. Now there is only two guies on it and they are moving their base or deleting it (i think). Sorry for my English.