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Everything posted by MadWookie

  1. MadWookie

    Squad XML for DayZ

  2. MadWookie

    Random Deaths/Unconscious

    Alpha Alpha Alpha. Go see if it doesn't already exist then upvote it if it does. If not, report it yourself http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php
  3. MadWookie

    Rest in Peace | First Person | Private Shard | NO Persistence

    Dude, if you'd like someone to play with (NOT DAYZ), Heroes and Generals mainly, but anything or just wanna come chill with us your more than welcome to hop in ts whenever. Its still TS3.UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com Best of luck dude. I was gonna send this in a PM but your inbox is full you lazy fuck.
  4. MadWookie

    Squad XML for DayZ

  5. You can always go into your mods folder for Operation Arrowhead and rename the most resent mod folder to something else, DL the mod from DayZ Commander then rename that folder to what DayZ Launcher looks for. I've done this before personally so I know it works. If you need more explaining don't hesitate to contact me in a PM.
  6. I believe it has variations of versions, although not all of them are offered like it was in DayZCommander. I may be mistaken though as it's been a month or so since I've played DayZ Mod.
  7. Go to UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com Make an account. Go to "Clan Applications" Read the rules, explanation of our Trial System. Copy the application template to your clipboard. Start a new topic. Paste the application and follow the directions in it while filling it out. After you post it I will personally look over it. Feel free to get in TeamSpeak with us any time @ TS3.UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com
  8. MadWookie

    gtx 970 x58 upgrade to x99 unplayable fps

    Funny.. I have a GTX Nvidia 460 and I can play perfectly fine with 20 FPS :D Upgrading to a GTX 770 though within the next week. c:
  9. Sure thing. It's an open TS. Although for people to play with us on DayZ SA or DayZ Mod we require them to fill out an application and join the clan.
  10. MadWookie

    do cars need fuel?

    ^^^ = Carebear mode = True
  11. MadWookie

    frendly adveture

    Marry Christmas Shrub! :D
  12. MadWookie

    Does DayZ Mod have SKS?

    Ikr. Carebear mode = True But like I said, he's just more likely to play Overpoch.
  13. MadWookie

    Does DayZ Mod have SKS?

    Well, if we are talking about the original mod, then no, but chances are he will be playing Overpoch. So yes, it does.
  14. MadWookie

    Does DayZ Mod have SKS?

    Yes it does. If you have ANY questions just PM me. :P
  15. lol.. DayZ Mod is for sure for you my friend. If you have a mic, feel free to check us out @ Teamspeak: TS3.UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com OR Website: UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com
  16. Mod = Lots of fun. Lots of stuff to do. Every server is different. Still buggy, but just like in stand alone you find a way to work around the bugs or live with them. SA = Rinse & Repeat. What I mean by that is, you get geared, go kill people, maybe fish or hunt. Then get killed. Then do it all again. At least in the mod there are other things you can do. If you have not already tried the mod, I would really suggest doing it. If you want someone to show you the ropes or help you install it just PM me or quote this post. :P I have over 1500 hours (about 300 hours weren't logged on steam though sadly so it only says 1200) played in DayZ Mod alone.
  17. MadWookie

    frendly adveture

    [GN] is now on [uSG]'s KoS list. We will avenge you Shrub!
  18. MadWookie

    The First 14 Days: The Story of Felix Pitts

    UPDATE: Finished Day 7
  19. MadWookie

    The First 14 Days: The Story of Felix Pitts

    Actually my girlfriend helped me pick out some of the names. :P & I'm only 17, so yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands.
  20. MadWookie

    The First 14 Days: The Story of Felix Pitts

    Follow the topic :P UPDATE: Finished Day 6
  21. MadWookie

    Shades of Gray

    No. Cliffhangers are a no no... GIV MEH LINK 2 NXT VID >:O
  22. MadWookie

    Battleye Initialization Failed

    Well man, as much as I hate to say this, I do not have the issue that you have, and I'd rather not go messing around trying to break my game so I can fix it and tell you how I did it.. your best bet is to reach out to BE Support, its a long shot but its a better chance than you have with me. Sorry that I couldn't help you guys.
  23. MadWookie

    Battleye Initialization Failed

    Have you tried to re-install your game? Also, GOOGLE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS. Hail Google.
  24. MadWookie

    V3S - WE LOVE IT! Get Wrecked Today!

    Omg.. the headlights flash. 10/10 You sir just kept my ADHD focused on that for a good 10 min. xD