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Everything posted by MadWookie

  1. MadWookie

    Healthy Death

    I've been one hit a few times when healthy. No idea why.
  2. MadWookie

    Trading Post

    Want: Potatoes Cooking Pot Cooking Stand Have: Various M4 Attachements [D-W] AKM Drum Mag (Unknown have to check) 100+ Tomatoes [P] Steam ID: MadWookieUSG TeamSpeak: TS3.UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com
  3. MadWookie

    Truck Tires pops 3 feet away from the tree

    Yeah I know man.. my PC is shit. I'm lucky to get more than 15 FPS, but I still kick ass xD & I never need to worry about it either, I have 5 total atm, 2 cargo 3 non-cargo just chillin at my camp. Yeah, but not any more. Just had to wait for a server restart for the wheels to come back.
  4. MadWookie

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    I'd be willing to say there will be at least a bi-plane in the final game, but no jets.. xD Jets are the Simi-Auto-One-Shot-Kill-Snipers of the air lol
  5. MadWookie

    You think you seen good sniping? You haven't seen nothing yet!

    Lol, yeah, I'm sure you contacted everyone and asked to use their content xD
  6. MadWookie

    You think you seen good sniping? You haven't seen nothing yet!

    I'm not a 'Hater' I'm just saying its lazy, go make your own original content don't steal other peoples clips for your channel at least not without their permission.
  7. MadWookie

    SoI actually used F11 today...

    Bravo, BRAVO, BRAAVVVOOOOO! 10/10
  8. MadWookie

    You think you seen good sniping? You haven't seen nothing yet!

    I gotta ask... do you think this is good content to put on youtube? Your taking other peoples footage and putting it into one video, all you did was put an intro on the video and put the clips together.. disgusting.
  9. MadWookie

    I really like when people make an effort like this

    I tried to give a guy a pumpkin in cherno while I was picking up my friend in a V3s and he tried to shoot me with an MP5, missed every shot and got domed with a shotty. Got his MP5 and got to keep my Pumpkin :D
  10. MadWookie

    How will vehicles work?

    Chances are that in the end, it will be a complex system, but when they first implement it I sure it will just be a placeholder for a while (like everything else in this game). But I do hope to see the ability to build vehicles from the ground up at one point in time and if its not added to the base game I am sure there will eventually be a mod for it.
  11. So I was in Stary Sobor, and a zombie 1 hit me, broke my legs so I was forced to use my MP5k since I was already low on health and the next thing I knew...... I used 75 9mm bullets (2 and a half clips for the MP5k) before I switched to my axe. I passed out and die a few seconds later.
  12. MadWookie

    I'm loving the amount of zombies there are now!

    Yeah, at least I got to fire the last of my rounds before I died xD
  13. MadWookie

    Community Spotlight - 08 Apr 15

    I still say FrankieonPCin1080p is the best (imo) but Mr.Moon is very good at entertaining and editing as well :D
  14. MadWookie

    [Wednesday "where are the servers?" merging topic]

    Its Wednesday, Servers are down for maintenance.
  15. MadWookie

    DayZ.exe and DayZSrv being blocked

    Have you tried running Steam as Administrator?
  16. MadWookie

    Wednesday Wipes?

    Hell.. as long as tents persistence is fixed I don't care how long it takes :D
  17. MadWookie

    [Wednesday "where are the servers?" merging topic]

    Some people still have not learned, but yes.
  18. MadWookie

    Error when starting the game

    Well you should start by getting the error message and posting it, otherwise there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to help you. EDIT: It's probably BattlEye related since it starts BE before it starts DayZ SA.
  19. Well theres a problem with that, because the game clock is real time clock. So food and water would become pointless because most people would die before they need it. I do think the food and water system need to be redone and I'm sure it will be at some point in time but not to fix exactly real life standards.
  20. MadWookie

    PC wont shut down after playing Dayz Standalone

    Have you tried turning it off and back on again? Sorry.. I had to. xD If worst comes to worse, turn off the surge protector its plugged into (assuming its plugged into one).
  21. Trust me man, I've been here since the beginning of the mod also, roughly 1800 hours in operation arrowhead (about 500 of those arent logged because DayZ Commander didn't have to option to launch with steam). What I mean when I say the 'COD Player Base' I mean the people who play for the sole purpose of killing people and finding guns. Take Overpoch for example. Its basically just one big TDM. I just hate to see DayZ SA turn into that.. And never once did I say anyone's opinion didn't matter. I read everyone's opinion (if they happen to quote my post such as you did) and I reply to it with my own. I respect yours and everyone else opinions just as I would like everyone to do the same for me.
  22. Sadly, they will be coming back. And I'm sure a large portion of the Vanilla DayZ SA Community will go onto the mods, because they are 'fun', leaving vanilla DayZ dead. Same thing that happened with the mod. Vanilla mod was perfect, new maps? Perfect! New content? Starts to split the player base, but sure! Next thing you know, there are over 5000 servers and over two thirds of them are empty and there are 15+ different major mods you can play on.
  23. Sadly... we are finally starting to get rid of the COD player base...
  24. MadWookie

    The Die is Cast

    Congrats on the 100th post! :D & Nice vid, take some beans :)