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About Cyreck

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Cyreck


    False. I didn't intentionally start this thread for flame. What I was saying was completely sincere. I was just nostalgic of DayZ, that's all.. By the way, you guys need to grow the hell up. You don't see me fighting over opinions of other people and I'm 16. /reqlock Just wanted to make a simple post about how I missed the community.
  2. Cyreck


    Now you, my friend, is what I consider a great bandit and player. You know how to play the bandit role and enhance the experience. You take in every single detail; range of fire, escape, etc. Btw, I'm glad we can all talk about this like civilized people instead of completely discerning other's opinions and thoughts. This, is what I meant in my main post. You guys make the experience better for everyone. :thumbsup:
  3. Cyreck


    Oh jesus. I really did miss this community.
  4. Cyreck


    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.
  5. Cyreck


    Ugh.. I had no idea it was like this. I remember when KoS on DayZ was considered almost like a sin. You just didn't do it unless it was absolutely necessary. Hopefully the new players actually learn how to play the game. It would be such a great game if it was played as a role playing game. After all, that's what it's supposed to be anyways. I appreciate your response though. I felt like it gave me an eye sight into the community as it is now. Cheers mate!
  6. Cyreck


    I was going through my old screenshots and DayZ appeared and since school started and everything I haven't been able to get around to playing or scrolling through the forums. I can honestly say I'm proud to see how DayZ has started building it's foundations and also how the core of the community has stuck together as a whole. It's very impressive seeing an idea turn into concept and that concept becoming something REAL. I'm glad I was around to be able to see this happen and be a small part of this community. Good job guys :)
  7. Cyreck

    Best computer build with a budget?

    I see you have an SSD. What's the difference between and SSD and regular hard drive? Besides the fact that SSD's are digital?
  8. Cyreck

    Best computer build with a budget?

    Does RAM really make a difference though? I all completely new at builds but would 8GB of RAM be okay?
  9. To get the flak over with I'm just going to put it out there, I'm only 16 but I'm looking for a nice computer build with the budget of 1000-1300. I got a job this past summer and decided this is what I wanted to save up for. Does anyone have a quick build they can post on here to give me some ideas? Or hell, even if you could post a good build in that budget it would be really helpful. This isn't including mouses,keyboards, or monitors. Thanks guys
  10. It's a really cool concept but I think it's an idea too early for the game. If the game-play is anything like the DayZ mod, you won't have time to mess with dirty clothes and such. But then again if the maps in Standalone are HUGE and you can just kind of set up camp up in an isolated part of a mountain without people messing with you, I think it would be a great thing to have. Definitely adds a whole new concept of realism to the game. Good idea man!
  11. Cyreck

    Currently worth buying Arma 2 to play DayZ?

    Just wanted to say, you're still the stupid one.
  12. Hey guys, I was curious about the standalone once we can purchase it. Whenever we do buy the alpha we'll have access to the final game once it comes back correct? We won't have to pay for the beta and final version? My friend and I were arguing about it and he was saying that we'd still have to pay for the final version even if we bought the alpha. I'm not so sure myself so if anyone knows just say so! Thank you :D
  13. "Someone please bandage me, please bandage me please" "Where you at??" "Over here in the fucking snow suit!" I have no idea why but that made me laugh so hard.. Subbed.
  14. I honestly cannot wait for Standalone to come out. No matter how long it takes.