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Everything posted by jlwiles@hotmail.com

  1. Hi, I just wanted to simply ask how would one ask for permission to create their own dayz mod for another island? And this island would require modifying the original dayz files to make the mod work for that island only?
  2. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes, Reason why I say yes? Well for one it causes graphical issues as mentioned. Plus they don't really do anything except slow people down and the fortication isn't really there in a Barb Wire. It should do damage to a player if a player runs into it. But since the game doesn't really register any of that or have a rag doll effect when a player trips over it and gets tangled up in it by falling into it. It is sort of pointless but a hedgehog that is a great fortication that you guys added. Maybe when you get your barb wire fences working maybe you can make a barb wire + hedgehog combined into each other? The purpose of that would make it harder for a player to take it down unless they have a really rare toolbox that would be super hard to find in a game. Maybe only have a few spawn locations. Like maybe up to 5 of them and those would be the only 5 that would spawn in the game. But before I turn this into a suggestion but yea.. it is a great idea to remove those barb wire fences.
  3. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Ban in US153 today

    We have caught you teleporting on US 153. That is why you have been banned. I'll ask my head admin see if we can dig up any evidence and if we don't have any on our side we'll un ban you from the server. Last night we had tons of hackers in the server teleporting in vehicles on top of our friends and teleporting on top of another player. We may have accidentally banned you from the ban wave last night but it could be other evidence that we have gathered that goes against you. Please be patient as finding evidence takes some time up to 24 - 48 hours. I'm sure your vehicle you was looting is still up there I won't have anybody touch it that I know. And also no there is no such thing as a admin vehicle on our server. If somebody takes our vehicle in front of us we do not abuse and kick the person that takes our vehicle we let it be. But we do not tolerate hackers that tend to teleport to us and start shooting at us I know for certain we have video/photo evidence of them. We do have a secret weapon program on our side that is logging most of the suspicious activity. We can track almost everything.
  4. Hello, Here is my proposal on a really useful admin system but in no way that an admin can use it to find vehicles or players. Vehicle Information System: The menu system should popup like a window and have a list of options for the admin to use like buttons to press and drop down menus for vehicles to select. -Shows the list of gear items in it the layout should be like (QUANTITY)(ITEM) -Shows the list of previous drivers/owners and current driver. All the Day Z vehicles should have a unique name like if you pull up information on a ATV it should sort by name like ATV(ATV1) the ATV1 part is the unique name. You also should be able to find your unique vehicle's name when you enter it as a driver it should show up in debug monitor for a few minutes in Unique Vehicle Name: ATV1. The reason for this idea is that when a hacker or somebody has teleported your vehicle to them and admins have a better chance to track down who hacked it. If possible it should log when a vehicle has traveled vast distances in a short amount of time like example traveled 150m(Without showing the coordinates) in 5 seconds from its current location. Than again it shouldn't log it when the vehicle was destroyed so it doesn't flag it. It should notified the admin as well like Warning! ATV1 has traveled 1000m in 1 second and closest player is: PLAYER -Admins should be able to see all the vehicles in the server even the ones that are spawned and the admins should have the power to delete those spawned vehicles the only way the admin should be able to find the non spawn vehicle if it does not have a unique name. I'm sure hackers may try to find a way to unique name the vehicle. Player Information System: -This menu should give the admin information about a player and when they do it should show up all the items, weapons and previous unique vehicle names they was driving last. Good Layout Example: List of Last Drove vehicles within the hour: (ATV1, LADA1, URAL1) - The list should list all the vehicles that they drove within the past hour or two. (QUANTITY) (WEAPON) (QUANTITY) (AMMO) (QUANTITY) (ITEM) -This menu should also list items that they picked up within the past hour or two as well but only log it down when they pick it up out middle of no where and no where by a tent and give coordinates to admin so the admin can see where that location is and he/she can make a decision if that location where they got the weapon from is a legit area for a weapon to spawn at. This should list all the weapons, ammo, and items that they picked up in this area. If its possible I know the code doesn't give alot of options to log stuff. -Admin should give themself God-Mode but with god-mode enabled they shouldn't have no weapon on them or any sort of weapon for them to be able to use it against another player only reason for god-mode in case if they run into a hacker and they wish to follow the hacker until they see enough evidence to ban them. Also the admin should have an option to go invisible as well but same stuff no weapons or any sort of weapons equipped on them. I will tell you later on in this post where to put those weapons. The admin shouldn't be able to pick up any items or use it to get around zombies as zombies should still be able to see them. -Admins should see a notification on top somewhere or on bottom somewhere when a player loads a foreign script and the few bits of coding part of that script and the game scripts should be defined and the ingame scripts should be defined already so it wouldn't show every single script on the bottom of the screen but should show scripts that aren't in day z or built in game itself. -This should also warn an admin if a player has traveled over 300m within 1 or 3 seconds depends what you want to set interval to. This should also tell you also when a player is on a vehicle and teleports the vehicle with them over 300m with 1 or 2 seconds it should warn the admin to. Not sure if this is possible to do with the current game. When a teleported player travels over 1000M in 1 or 2 seconds but make sure that it doesn't do it when they die and they start over in a new area. But it should show that player's marker on the map to everybody in the server so atleast if that hacker teleports to somebody the player will have a chance to click Abort and back to Lobby before the hacker kills them. Also the player should be able to see their own marker on the map but does not show to other players in the server. Data Storing System -When a player pitches a tent they should given an option to name it and it should also check with the database and ensure nobody else has that name in that current server they are in. This is where the admin would be given an option to put their weapons at when they go into god-mode or go invisible. It should automatically put their gear items in the first tent they have pitched. Without a tent the admin wouldn't be able to keep their weapons if they do not have a tent but still can go into god-mode but a popup should appear warning the admin that they will lose their weapons if a tent was not found. -There should be a file that an admin can edit outside of the Day Z or edit in the dayz_server.pbo to list their in game admins but this system should also be working with BEC to ensure no outsiders can use the admin's name to login admin and use all the admin menus. -When a player joins in and their vehicle was taken it should warn the player that their vehicle was Stolen like etc "Your ATV1 has been stolen!" but do not log it down when a friend in their group takes it. Player Group System -A player should be able to invite friends to a group in game and this group of friends should get stored in the database by their GUID or unique player number. When their friend logs in it'll automatically put them in the group again. -A player that is in the group a player should have a menu option to open up Group Menu and from the group menu they should be able to send a private message to that player or tell either one, or selected, or all of the group members to meet a a certain location on the map and the player that gets the command have and option to say Yes or No for the Left Shift + Left Click marker to be placed on their map to go to. -Also in this menu the friend can add in notes for the group to know like where they last parked their ATV or vehicle at or where they move the camp to and etc. I mean this is about all I have for now for a system that will really help an admin track down hackers or find anything suspicious in a server. Because right now an admin is just like another player in the game.. just powerless. The logs doesn't show anything useful and plus it logs way to much in the scripts.log :P should exclude any day z scripts and in game built scripts. I know I'l be coming up with more stuff to add to this later on. It know its alot of work but it'l be totally worth it and should bring in more players I hope anyways to make up for the crap animations in game and game bugs not day z bugs but arma 2 born bugs.
  5. Hello, I came here to ask for permission to lock the server. The reason being is that our game server admin is not around yet and he is on vacation. Just in case if they don't return back in time for the update may we lock the server to prevent server being black listed? We have sub admins but we do not have the power to update or shut down server but only to look at logs and reboot the server. Only thing that I could think of avoiding a black list temporarily is lock the server until our main admin comes back from Vacation which is either today or by tomorrow we hope. I will not say what server it is but if an admin ask I will give you the information by Private Message. This is only regarding for the next update.
  6. I agree with with everybody suggested, there should be a way that admin can get more information about a player would be cool to let the admin know who is spawning vehicles that shouldn't be there. Also you should name your vehicles in the Day Z and if a vehicle that spawns without a name should be immediately removed. Hope you know what I mean by naming. Like vehicle1, vehicle2 and etc. Also somehow if you can name your weapons and items that spawn to but don't make it public but make it like to where if players are in a area it should only name them in that area. If possible if you can detect when a player gets an item out in middle of no where and flag the player in a FLAGGED.txt file with their Name > GUID > Reason for Flag > Timestamp. Yea man rocket you really need to add some sort of way for admins to better track down hackers. We can't always rely on Battleye its been known for years to be able to bypass it isn't all that great. If you built an In game anti-cheat, admin information menus, and all that you should have yourself an almost anti cheat proof mission. Also as well each dayz_server.pbo should be where the anticheat and admin systems go and also randomize the file names so hackers can't bypass it by disabling the file. Or atleast have the admin of the server be able to name it to whatever they want it to be.
  7. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    is this a possible hack?

    Hey, I did some digging around in the scripts.log and I found this and found it interesting and wanted to ask to make sure that it wasn't part of the day z mod while loading well here it is.. I found this piece of code in the log. Is this a possible hacker or is it built in game? setDate [2010, 0, 0, 15, 0]; 3 setfog 1; 3 setovercast 1; 5 setrain 1; setterraingrid 50;
  8. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    is this a possible hack?

    Okay, thank you for clearing things up man I wish there was a better way to track these hackers down. Would be sweet if there was a built in game anti cheat which knows all the legit scripts built into game like day z team would have to define all of them and if day z admin can think of a way to show us in game admins or log the foreign script loaded only and don't show the legit ones loading up in the scripts.log that would be sweet. Also Day Z team should also add in some menu options for admins to check in player stats that is in sync with the hive. Show how many kills they got within the hour, what gear items they have such as ammo count and number of items, see what group they are in and if anybody or any AI is in their group that'll greatly be helpful. Warn admins when a player picks up a non legit weapon like example it would show on top right hand corner ThisPlayer has equipped a Minigun, or ThisPlayer has put a non-legit item in their inventory/backpack anything like that like a warning system will be nice to. Atleast admins should have ATLEAST some sort of help from the game!!! Hackers are enjoying us game admins suffer from our failures to track them down. If anybody knows a better way of tracking down the hackers please post up a tutorial on how to do it like how to track them down by idk WIreshark or any of those programs will be greatly appreciated and don't keep them to yourself we want to know how to as well, us admins should be working together as a team!
  9. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    is this a possible hack?

    i checked it out it seems possible that it may be but it could be also server related I know terraingrid 50 is no grass at all and setfog 1 I think it sets the fog level to absolutely none. I'll extract all the day z stuff and search through it with Notepad++ see if any of those items appear :)
  10. Hello, I was thinking of some stuff that may be able to stop hackers from teleporting stuff or seeing markers on the map. How about just disabling them on the client side permanently? I really don't know if its possible to do so but delete or ban that script or command from the game :P and disable any other scripting commands that aren't being used in game so that way the hackers won't be able to create a script to show where the vehicles are at. Also if there is a way maybe encrypt the packets being sent/received from the server to the client at-least make it nearly impossible for a hacker to be able to hack on the server or exposing vehicle locations or tent locations on the map or being able to teleport to it. I mean thats the best that I can come up with.. an in game anti cheat is the best anti cheat protection that your going to get. Battleye is okay to a point but anything that wasn't built by the game itself is going to have weak points. But if you build it in game and runs only from the server like a script of some sort it be harder for hackers to hack on servers. I mean I don't know this is just all a guess and seems possible. If its possible also disable those white circle halos that you get on the side of the screen which indicates that something is there like an animal or a player or even a vehicle I believe a hacker may be able to use that for his own advantage with a script.
  11. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    I usually have to wait around 5 - 10 minutes at the screen and it'll eventually load up. Your not stuck there just have to be extra patient to let it load.
  12. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    hey rocket should disable those white circle halos on the side of the screen not sure if anybody notices them but hackers may use that for their advantage to find vehicles near them with a script. Also should disable any scripting commands such as createmarker or createmarkerlocal on the client side in the dayz mod itself I don't know if its possible to do but it just may stop hackers from teleporting to them or being able to see them on the map. Wish I can find those private sites if I find any I'll share what I find in their scripts and tell them what they are using and atleast in that way you guys can figure out a way to prevent it. I will PM it and not show it public. Also disable setposition script or anything that a hacker can use to teleport with. If you can disable anything like that, it would really help alot and stop hackers from using anything to troll with. Also disable allowdamage 1 if possible. You can also add in some stuff for admins to use I'm sick of being powerless as an admin and can't find out who is launching scripts.. if you can find a way to script in a way to show up on screen to show when a player launches a foreign script or execute something to where it has allowdamage 0 in a script it should show it to an admin. Also should see if its possible to create something to detect when a player teleports from a certain distance like a player teleported like 500m out of no where or 10,000m out of no where and tell the admin and the admin can investigate it :). Also the admins should be able to read player stats as well in game. If you can make anything like that for admins to use that'll be awesome anything to show player's information or game stats and don't show their location or any of that but just the stats will be fine. Admins should be able to get information about a player or anything that an admin can use to gather evidence before they ban will be greatly appreciated. Just don't tell admins like their location. Also players should be able to see who they got killed by. But I mean in a way I do understand why you have them disabled as hackers can use it to rage against that player with hacks to get them back. But if true admins be able to see it only like in displays in group channel that be cool also. Right now Day Z is in desperate help of some admin power.
  13. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Some stuff I was thinking about...

    Hello, I don't know if this idea will ruin your whole objective or not of the game. But I was thinking of this idea which sort of sounds pretty cool. Like you'll need a URAL or a big transport truck such as a V3S or w/e for this. I was thinking of players being able to gather logs or wood around the area and load up the back of the truck and if its possible maybe you can use the AttachTo command to attach wood logs to the back of the truck. What the players can do with these logs is that they can use it to build fortification around their base with those logs but it should take them a lot of time to chop down the wood, trim the log free of branches and all those other un-needed stuff, load it up in back of the truck and than keep continuing until they reach the amount that they need or until the truck is fully loaded. Atleast players can build a fortification to protect their items or make some sort of castle like fortress :). They should be able to place a solid wall or a wall with a window or any options that you may want to add in. I've thought of this idea and I was saying no a few time to myself but I figure what the hell it be worth a shot see what others would say. The other idea I was thinking about is adding in some sort of Economy system what my friend mentioned and I wouldn't know how to exactly add in a economy in the apocalyptic times. Maybe add in a trade function of some sort to trade with other players. Sell items or buy items atleast in that way hopefully everybody won't be killing each other for their items but have a chance to buy them. Maybe you can add in a safe zone town just for a marketplace for sell/buy items but even then in a way it be sort of stupid as people can camp outside and wait for somebody to exit and kill them and just steal all their items anyway how much of a troll that somebody can be. It would be a nice touch but Day Z turned into a PvP sort of thing anyways.. but if we could eliminate the PvP that would be great and if another survivor kills another survivor there must be a really good reason for them to kill them such as stealing items or any of those bad karma stuff sort of like Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas.. I really think Fallout makes a good example of how Day Z should be like minus all those weird creatures and orcs and all that just eliminate all those and just leave everything human. The only real enemy to the survivors are the bandits and the zombies. You could also add in a super zombie or something from like Left 4 Dead the zombies that are harder to kill and etc.I really want to see this game not turn into a PvP but want to see this game into something that would actually happen in a real life scenario. I'm sure in a real life scenario a PvP wouldn't surely happen unless they rage a war against one another like if they stealing stuff from them or any of those things that would surely piss somebody off. But all things considered I'm sure everybody going to want to keep it PvP for their "reasons". I prefer not the PvP way but its way you guys want to play it and there isn't really anything to stop you as the game does not enforce it. If the game enforces and you would see the game in a different reality a better reality than the sad story reality that we face now with humans killing each other.
  14. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    [Unflip Vehicle]

    HeLLo, I am noticing that the ATVs are bugged out and its really easy to flip them and I had this idea and it just may work. Basically you can unflip and ATV if its on it side but it will require two people to do the work. I really don't know if you want to carry it out as far as being able to unflip trucks and cars and stuff but if you do so it will require a-lot more people in the area to unflip those heavy vehicles. But for now I just think being able to unflip the ATV is only necessary.
  15. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Graphic Changes + Plus Other

    Hello, I was thinking if you guys can set the terraingrid to 45 or 50 atleast to help some players to reduce some of the lag and also set the scenecomplexity to a setting that doesn't lag. Also keep the view distance where it is at 1600 because people with a more powerful system can have a massive advantage over a player that doesn't have a powerful PC to handle a great deal of view distances. I also REALLY REALLY want to see the Food & Water hunger to happen alot later than way to soon atleast base it in real time like atleast every 2 - 3 hours they will be hungry or thirsty. Before anything you should be thirsty before you go hungry. Hunger should happen maybe at 3 hours and being thirsty would happen at 2 hours but base it in real life like depending on outside temperature and such. I also want to see something to where the owner of a backpack to be able to lock so no outsider can just grab stuff out of their backpack. I also would want to see a option to be able to lock your Cargo box or gear box in your vehicles so the passengers can't go grabbing stuff out of the cars when they are inside of it in case if some undesirable enters your vehicle.
  16. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Vehicles Idea + Others

    HeLLo, I was thinking of a idea to being able to use those wrecks like those burnt out rides that you see in the towns I was hoping if it was possible to be able to repair those like if a player walks up one and clicks on repair vehicle they can repair it but the wreck should spawn in with a new wreck which they can finish up repairing with the rest of the car parts. Add in some more weapons if possible maybe a ACOG scope weapon at-least. Think most of the other guns you have seem pretty good and ain't none of them to powerful its just the right balance of power. I also have a idea for helping you guys detecting hackers. Maybe add in some sort of script that can run on a timer of some sort to keep checking the server for new vehicles that wasn't put in the mission itself and check for the closest player to that vehicle and log that down I wouldn't ban them as it could be a hacker that spawned a vehicle next to them and use it against innocent bystanders. Hopefully battleye improves their program to detect scripts being loaded that isn't part of the game. You could do the same for weapons and other items that wasn't added in the game as well but probably adding that will affect server performance as well. I know ArmA 2 doesn't give a whole lot of wiggle room to add in a-lot of stuff it would be tight to have a-lot of zombies like hoards of zombies lol chasing after you and doesn't affect the server's FPS and stuff.
  17. jlwiles@hotmail.com

    Vehicles Suggestion + Extras

    HeLLo, Have a idea/suggestion for day z team. I know there isn't a whole lot of cars and most of the servers are getting filled up with players and only having like 10 or less vehicles/wrecks around the map isn't quite a enough for everybody. If its possible I believe that each town on the map should have at-least 1 or 2 cars and up to 3 in the bigger cities such as Cherno and Elektro. For the second idea there should be a way to add your friends on the game so when they log in you can see them on your map because it is easy to get lost on that map when you accidentally veer off course from your friend's and be searching for hours trying to find him again but you pretty much go further away from each other. For the third idea zombies should not be able to just waltz through the closed doors or even through walls of buildings the buildings should offer a safe haven for players to camp out at and not have to worry about zombies just walking through the wall or even through the door its sort of a weird bug or glitch for the zombies being able to walk through doors,walls, and even climb ladders(climbing ladders is so unrealistic for zombies from the character they developed over the movies and games they been popular in). For the fourth idea please add the helicopter back in and figure out a way to block out the radar on the map to avoid the helicopter being over powered and being able to scan the map for other player camp sites. Maybe add a black circle of your own in the script to cover over the radar. I know there is another radar above to as well might have to add in a black rectangular box to cover that one and not cover up the compass above. For the fifth idea add in more vehicle types such as some UAV machine guns, some more vehicles with weapons on them and they can be re-armed by bullets you find on the game. If you add in more vehicles add in some more zombies surrounding the vehicles more to make it a challenge to get to the vehicle. Also zombies should be able to do damage to the vehicles but such as exposed vehicles such as an ATV the zombies should be able to hurt the player on those vehicles as their body is exposed to the outside world. For the last idea of them all please add in more inventory items that you can find throughout the map such as bigger tents which require a car to pick them up. More weapons or ability to equip weapons to un-arm vehicles and be able to fire them as either a driver or a passenger. Also weapons should be upgrade-able like for instance you have a M4A1 and the more zombies you killed you get upgraded to a M4A1 CCO after a while like sort of have a reward system. I really do get the idea that you want go full blown realistic on this game but at-least add in a little more fun killing zombies and killing bandits. If you read my ideas I want to thank you for taking your time reading through my ideas they are good ideas but is it right for your day z mission just something you have to think about over time. Probably depends on the direction your going with it.
  18. Hello, Yea, been trying to play your Day Z mod but it just isn't working out to well for me well for one ArmA 2 animations isn't the greatest for zombie survival as the animations don't move quick enough to get through things.I want to suggest to have better animations for jumping over fences, going through doors and going through gates and all that with ease. Like it should automatically open for you when you run towards the door,gate or w/e that can be opened like an animation should take place still like a running through door sort of animation. Because I hate going up to a door with like 5 zombies on my rear and trying to wait for the option to appear on my screen to open the door so I can escape. I also want to be able to jump over fences or walls without having to press V all the time and having to wait for the guy to slowly but surely jump over the wall and by than I'm dead :P. I also noticed a few problems with the broken leg injury as for you can't climb up stairs or climb back down ladder or even up it if there is a wall in front of you blocking the access to the ladder.. like for instance on top of a Fire Station and you know how those walls are on top of the roof with a small 2 foot wall there. So the broken leg should be gone if its possible. I also noticed a flaw with the zombies as I saw they can open doors or even walk through them when they are in the attacking animation like trying to attack you and they just simply go right thru the doors. I was thinking the zombies shouldn't chase you inside a house or a building if the door is shut but instead they should surround the building over time and than after a while they keep banging on the building it'll eventually cripple the building down onto the player but that shouldn't happen within minutes but hours. That is the end of my suggestions and these changes should atleast help make the game less frustrating for the players. I also would suggest putting more weapons around or some sort.