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About draconis

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. IRL Information Name: Chris Bender Age: 27 Location: Indiana Timezone: UTC-6 Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why? The only requirement that i might not be able to meet is the be online 3 times a week requirement, and that is only because I work in IndyCar and will be gone during the season for races. In the off season this is no problem and i'll easily be on more than that. Game Information IGN: Draconis Steam ID (if applicable): Seeryous86 Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Medic Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Ever since downloading Dayz, I've always wanted to be a part of something like this. I thought the game would really flourish if a group of people banded together to make one big group that controlled a small stake of a map. I love the brotherhood that comes with playing a game like this with same minded people and I want to really experience and enjoy this game for what it has to offer. On top of that its always fun to log into the game and chat service and just shoot the shit with whoever is online :-D What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:I can read a map really well, and have a decent long range shot. Can harvest meat if i have a knife and can also be a sneaky little chap. lol
  2. draconis

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    I am stuck in endless water Please fix me and spawn me back, i had compass gps map and binoc :/ hope i didnt lose them but i just want to be able to play... Also every one of my characters is spawning in the water regardless of profile! How do the admins spawn me somewhere else?
  3. ^^^ lol retarted post by a retarted person, im honored to be the only post you have ever posted in
  4. @Thunder i asked for people not to reply with stupidity as to not having the correct version. IN original post I put that I have everything installed correctly and updated correctly.
  5. ^^^^ I completely agree with above poster. I understand that this is alpha, BUT we are not having problems with the game when we are in game. This server issue is a serious issue and has nothing to do with the fact that we are in ALPHA.
  6. I like most have been able to play after searching for servers that let me actually log in. It usually takes about 45 mins or so to find a server that I can play on, but for some reason today I have not been able to find a server at all. I've had to force quit the game and reload it up, i've tried reinstalling the dayz files, i've tried shutting my comp down, all to no avail. Did something happen today with the servers or am i just the unlucky one? Please don't post with is everything up to date. I have everything up to date arma2 is updated and im running the beta.