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Everything posted by Zainetor

  1. Hi, I would like to join someone and kill geared players to steal their stuff. =D let me know if interested. I'm from europe and my steam is sondamian.
  2. i'm from europe and Looking for partners in dayz vanilla. If interested, add me on steam, nick: sondamian. thx ;)
  3. ok im in the server, but dont know how to contact you :(
  4. yeah, i ony have to download teamspeak :D
  5. hi everyone, I'm low on blood and infected, near NW airfield. About 13% blood. can someone help me? thx
  6. Zainetor

    Looking For a Group/Clan!!

    im in, Pm mewith your contact.
  7. Zainetor

    Looking for us clan/group

    me too. contact me if interested. For now I have only steam, but I can get other programs.
  8. Zainetor

    Im Looking for a small squad. small desc.

    yeah, I would like to join you.Let me know.
  9. Zainetor

    looking for a bandit companion

    i guess I have to download skype. But I see you're from michigan, I only play in european servers if its good for you.
  10. Zainetor

    Looking for a clan/group

    thx beck.