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About andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

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  1. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    [LU16] Hacker cheating

    I'm the admin for LU16, and I can confirm that I did not magic up a B52 to spoil your fun. However I dont like cheats on my server, so if you have evidence of hacking activity (screenshots or fraps clips are good) please make sure you post them in the hacker threads or pass them along to the Dev team.
  2. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Banning for name

    I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere, I searched but couldn't find anything. I wanted to know if server admins / owners agreed with banning for name, or if the devs have given us information on where we stand with it. I believe that player names are part of the language they use, and if their names contain racist or hate language, I'd consider that good grounds for a ban. What do you guys think? I ask because I banned a player for his name tonight, see if you can spot which one: http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/9518/arma2oa2012063023593516.jpg
  3. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    What to do with exploited gear

    Thanks for the advice guys, I know its wrong to keep them, but I am reluctant to just destroy them as one is very close to a legitimate weapon I've been looking for since I started playing, it just has one extra attachment. I am reporting them to a Dev with a screenshot and I will keep them somewhere I know they wont be used until I hear back. I don't want to list the weapons as it might tip off the exploiter and there may still be a chance to track down his GUID.
  4. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    What to do with exploited gear

    I found a campsite on my server today that had a large number of vehicles, tents and constructions. I saw rare guns, and guns I'd never seen before, so I put what I could into my vehicle and escaped as fast as I could. When I got to a safe area, I checked and discovered that some of the weapons I took were not listed on the wiki, and I believe they were created through an exploit or hack. My question is, what are players supposed to do with items that are legitimately found, but should not be in the game? I assume destroy them or drop them somewhere they will despawn right?
  5. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    LU16 - where is it?

    The server was disabled this morning by an automated system as a precaution after an irregularity was detected. It should be up and working again now.
  6. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Side channel should remain for Alpha purposes

    I'm sorry Zoop, I don't really agree with you, but ce la vie.
  7. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Side channel should remain for Alpha purposes

    It seems that overall the objections to the side channel come from the point of view of people who want to play the game in a certain way, which is fine, but that is subjective to personal preference. We have lots of settings that allow people to change servers to their personal preference, is it really so outlandish to consider side chat another option? I think I've made the points I came to the thread to make, I'm not really interested in getting into an argument about it.
  8. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Side channel should remain for Alpha purposes

    Excellent, I hope the forums provide you with the play experience you are looking for Zoop.
  9. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Side channel should remain for Alpha purposes

    Hey there Liquidje, I like how you immediately move to an imaginary courtroom with requests for proof and evidence, it shows a keen (and perhaps bored) mind. However, I think you misjudge me, I merely said I would like to see the return of a feature that was pleasant and useful before. Really necessary? Well no. How much of anything is really necessary? That seems like a silly standard to immediately try to apply to anything. But an example of where it was useful? Sure, I was playing on a server with similar goals to mine not long ago (being friendly to each other), and a guy was dying. He asked if anyone was in the area, and could anyone come and help him. I was aware that it could have been a trap, but I responded and went to give him a bandage and transfusion. It was not a trap, and his life was saved. Sure, none of that was necessary, if nobody had said anything he would have died and the universe would not have given a single damn, but that's not the point. From that time on he and I knew each other, knew we could trust each other, and honestly I felt better about my experiences of playing because if it. Thank you for pointing out that I cannot enforce a friendly atmosphere on my server! Yes, I actually am aware that I cant enforce it, however I think I'll still try anyway. @Zoop *sigh*
  10. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Anyone else having this problem? (Vilayer.com)

    I had this problem with them yesterday, I have noticed a few website issues with them, my impression is that they are modifying / reconstructing some parts of the site and its getting the occasional problem atm. Today everything looks in working order.
  11. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk

    Side channel should remain for Alpha purposes

    I would also like to see side channel come back. I am a server host trying to build a friendly server of regulars, but without the ability to chat everyone has to treat each other as a hostile. I don't know if this is by design, if so it seems like an odd choice, as I believe rocket has said he only sees replayability in dayz with meta games with other people... not easy without communication.
  12. Hey guys, I had a couple of support tickets on Vilayer.com, but when I try to access them to check on their status I just get a blank white screen. Has something broke on the site?
  13. andjj@andjj.f9.co.uk


    Yeah after the server reset I couldn't see it again no matter what filters I did or did not use, I saw it earlier so no big deal though. What provider do you guys use for a host? Have you had any issues with them?
  14. Hey there Cape, I have just resent you the questions I had. Thanks for your time!
  15. Hey there Capecod, I sent you a pm a few days ago with some general questions, have you had a chance to look at them?