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Everything posted by Muromets

  1. Muromets

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    This no doubt took time and effort on your part and unlike many people here you're actually designing things. Maybe take some advice from the comments and alter the design a little bit. But really good job. I thought it looked quite nice. Keep it up!
  2. Muromets

    How do you buy a safe?

    Depends on what server you are playing. Look for vehicles that you can sell for a lot of money. For example a fuel truck sells for 3 x 10oz bars. Other military vehicles sell for about one 10oz bar. A medical vodnik also sells for 3 x 10oz bars. Look for helicopters to sell. Little birds are quite valuable. However its best to play with a minimum of 2 people. That way you can take two cars, sell one and then drive around to find another vehicle to sell. If you have a helicopter dont sell it right away. Use it to scout out the area and only select high value cars like unarmed humvees, vodniks or any military vehicle (some you can sell, some you cant). Cars like BMW, Alpha romeo sell for around 5oz so they're not the best cars to sell but they might just have to do. Sometimes its just better to go into residential and markets to look for red bull, orange drink and mountain dew. they sell for around 2 or 3oz gold each. but it will take you a long time to afford a safe selling drinks. My friend and I were able to purchase a safe after about 8hrs of gameplay. The server we were on only had about 250-300 cars and a lot of people. It might take you less time though. However you have to be careful going up to Klen to purchase a safe with 120oz of gold on you. I'd only buy a safe in the morning when less people are on. We purchased a safe and about 15 seconds later a huey popped up from behind a hill and took us out. So just keep it in mind.
  3. Muromets

    How do you buy a safe?

    You need to go and collect 12 x 10z gold bars and then go to the traders and "trade metals" and select the trade 12 x 10oz Gold bars for 1 briefcase. or you could go find a briefcase, which already has 2 x 10oz bars and then get 10 more 10oz bars.
  4. Sorry guys if this has been already explained and mentioned, I haven't been able to read the whole thread just yet, but the SA is going to be much better optimized than the DayZ mod, correct? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes since they're using a completely different engine to suit the game and I'd expect it to run better. However I'm not exactly sure if this is the case. Also is there any information regarding what loot/weapons will be found in the SA game or what has been taken out from it? or will we find out about it only once it's (SA) released? Thank you in advance.
  5. Yes, really mate. Dayz is extremely poorly optimized and thats due to the restriction of the arma 2 engine. You've got to spawn all that crap everywhere and all the extra things that are not found in a normal arma 2 game. Hopefully the SA will be much better with the new engine.
  6. You'll have to do a bit of homework to see which graphics cards are compatible. You could go for a GTX 560m or 6970m. You have to make sure that you dont get the most powerful graphics card otherwise you'll be bottlenecked by the CPU.
  7. Ok. Well to be honest it is not a very powerful laptop. the GT 240m is really going to set you back. You will have to play the game on the lowest settings possible. Are you considering purchasing a new laptop?
  8. We need a lot more information than just "alienware m17x". what generation of alienware is it? r3, r4 or r5? Most importantly what graphics card does it have? What CPU and what hard drives do you have? even SSDs can have a slight impact on gameplay. if you've got a GTX 660m or higher you will be able to run the game but not on max. maybe at around 30fps with settings at medium and some on high while post processing and other effects disabled. give us more info and we can give a more detailed reply. Edit: Have you bought the laptop already or are you looking at buying one?
  9. Muromets

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Steam summer sale possibly will start in a few hours. O_O
  10. Is there going to be a in game tutorial at all? Edit: For SA that is.
  11. Muromets

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Just a question for the developers or admins. Is the DayZ team involved in working with ATI or Nvidia? Is the game going to be more optimised better for Nvidia or ATI? I'm not trying to stir up a fan war between who's better, just curious and I didn't want to create a new thread just for this question.
  12. Nws man good luck!
  13. Muromets

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    “Patience - the gift of being able to see past the emotion. ”
  14. What power supply do you have? what wattage? If you have around 500W it should be ok. Double check the power consumption of the graphics card, when you decide to buy one. also i did a bit of searching and you might know already about it but there are a few online stores that people say have good prices in portugal http://www.chiptec.n...at=340&pagina=0 www.nanochip.pt www.chip7.pt www.microcaos.pt www.megaloja.com.pt www.jacf.pt www.galileu.com http://www.pcdiga.com/ hope thats of any use. also if you want here's a cool little tool that might help you calculate how big of a power supply you'll need for your PC http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp
  15. Hey mate soz about that i got mixed up. there are graphics cards that are ddr3 but there is no need for them. your motherboard should have a PCI-E slot, thats where your graphics card will go in.
  16. :P Edit: lol i lost my mind their for a moment. The graphics card ram has nothing to do with the motherboard being able to support ddr3. as long as you have a pci-e slot you'll be fine. sorry about that.
  17. With the equipment you have there nothing really will improve your fps by much compared to getting a better gfx card. My recommendation would be not to look at the latest gen cards ie 600 or 700 nvidia series or the ati 7000/8000 series. ignore them since the prices are going to be higher on those than for older cards. low to mid performing cards (for nvidia) are labeled GT ( like the 630GT) but mid-high end cards are GTX. if you can find like i said a gtx 560 or even a gtx 460 for around the same price you will get much better results than that 630gt. I wouldn't spend any money on anything but a gfx card in your instance. You could put a bit more ram in your pc but you'll notice better results by spending the money on the graphics card than you would on RAM. Oh you live in portugal, that might make it a bit harder to find a good deal :blush:
  18. 80 bucks isn't a lot of money, not saying you should go and buy a $500 card, but still. Do you play on a 1080p monitor? If I were you I'd buy a secondhand gfx card, it will be cheaper and you'll be able to get something that performs better. on ebay i've found a GTX 560 for around 90 bucks. Both of those cards that you listed aren't very good. My best recommendation is try to save up a bit more because you will be disappointed with both of those cards pretty soon. You might be put off by getting a second hand card but I reckon it would be a better bang for the buck
  19. I've also been wondering about this question, however won't the DayZ mod be more playable than the SA alpha? It will take some time for the SA to be enjoyable, for all the bugs to be fixed. So if you want to actually "play" the game isn't better to get Arma 2 and Dayz?
  20. Muromets

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I've been on a few forums but its nice to see the moderators actually moderate and try to keep the forums as friendly as possible. Nothing wrong with debates, its just that so many people want the damn game that tensions are high.
  21. Muromets

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Steam summer sale is going to be on very soon, maybe so as not to get DayZ too populated they might release it then.
  22. Muromets

    How much time does it takes?

    Or in australia
  23. Muromets

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I can't wait for the game to come out. I'm constantly checking steam. The only thing I'm worried about is that people buy the alpha and expect a fully functioning game and then might leave because of the bugs. But whatever.
  24. Wow. I've wanted to get this game for a while and I'm definitely going to get the alpha. Really nice thread mate!