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Everything posted by shemone

  1. shemone

    Worst Game Experience ever

    To all the people saying you can't break your legs in one hit or if you have > than 8k blood you are wrong! I have played this game for weeks am currently on 14 Days survival and play 2 - 8 hours a day, i was on 12k Blood one hit from a zombie and i had a broken leg at 11.6k Blood, also i had no morphine as i had given it all to my friend the night before so he wouldn't have to worry about getting stranded :) Best tips for survival? RUN! Don't slow down zombies can't hit you when running at full speed unless you get to close, if you see a zombie in front of you running at your watch its direction and take Evasive action Zig Zag! Learn the ins and outs of buildings so that you can get in slow the zombies down and get out... Docks/Piers are also good friends as zombies seem to have the inability to walk on the hardened concrete. Don't take unnecessary risks, if you think that zombies too close... it probably is and lastly dont try and fight zombies in the open try and find a steep hill, Zig Zag up it and see if the zombie slows down. Good luck out there. PS i can appreciate allt he people telling him to go Play COD and such but you can have more than 1 mind set, i play COD as a run n gun madman then come play DayZ and take my sweet ass time :)
  2. shemone

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Seriously guys... Day Z is fine, it isn't going to die anytime soon. Me personally I'm going to play Day Z and War Z... and while I'm at it I'm going to try Class 3 by Undeadlabs AND The Dead Linger by Sandswept Studios. I'm fed up with people thinking they can only play one game at a time.... I play mutliple MMO's (Currently Secret World & Eve Online) I play numerous RTS games each day depending on how I'm feeling... and occasionally i pop onto Day Z to run some people over in my truck :) Even yesterday I was playing ... dare I say it... COD! People need to learn no game truely ever dies... ancient games like Age of Empires.... Starcraft.... all have a loyal fanbase, so even if Day Z is soon to be dead there will always be a dedicated few. Regards
  3. So nice fun story here.... playing on NL38 with a friend and we find the V3S and fix it up YAY! We drive around a while picking up a few extra pieces just in case... my friend goes to a different server to check his safe bus.. during this time i hit up the industrial site near Zelenogork and i see some guy with a tractor, for a change of pace i decide to communicate.. the guy speaks back and he hops in the truck. We wait for my friend to come back to our server and we find the civilian pickup... i hop out the V3S to get some loot out the truck.... then low and behold the V3S speeds off into the distance... i take a few shots at the tires which came to nothing. The moral of this story is don't trust server admins... the guys name was styZz... so just so you all know don't trust him :) Anyway thanks for the laughs styZz... i'll be looking to hunt you down and feed you to the Z's :) PS: Don't take this one so seriously guys... you have to take a gamble every once in a while...otherwise this game gets stale... I'd like to find one person at some point who is willing to join up with me and my friend so we can have a trio :)
  4. shemone

    Do we kill server admins? YES!

    We have to try and trust someone sooner or later.... as the saying goes... you gotta have faith!
  5. Looks to be run aground... i found a boat in a similar state... took me around 10 minutes of holding W & A to get it off :)
  6. shemone

    Less FPS since yesterdays update?

    Most likely down to Server Side Issue, i haven't noticed any drop rates, usually running between 45 - 60 FPS, 30 FPS when recording with fraps. The only time i see odd figures on top of these is when a server is having an issue. I would suggest trying another server if you haven't already :) Running, BETA 95054.
  7. Damn... your porting people back to the mainland? I remember back in the day i had to run 30km back from the plains :) Make them walk!
  8. The story is as follows: Looting NWAF Firestation(Risky i Know), my friend gets gunned down from behind by a silenced weapon. I wait at the stairs, a guy comes up with all the good loot you'd expect, i unload my M14 into his ass. Chat says "Sly dog was killed by shemone (Friendly Fire)" 2 seconds later his body vanishes into the ground. Preparing to get out of dodge i look down the stairs and another guy... identical gear is looking at me... unload more M14 into his ass, Chat says "-==HEAD OFF==- was killed by shemone (Friendly Fire)" I take alot of fire at the time down to 700 blood, i eat to 2700 blood and morphine, i then log out to prepare my fraps for recording etc as is suspect these guys were hackers. I logged back into the server and was instantly unconscious, waited for the revive and got up, i was now outside the Firestation? I notice a few tracers shots zip passed me and take out a few zombies, i peer round the corner and see a guy with the same gear.... AGAIN! I take aim and unload my M14 into (you guessed it) his ass, this time i was recording and low and behold the same message "-==HEAD OFF==- was killed by shemone (Friendly Fire)" I then proceed to get off that server as i saw another guy with the same gear look down from the Fire station roof. This is where it ended, then promptly looked for aid from the RMG medics! PS Recording didn't seem to work, i have purchased Fraps so next time I'll catch them! Long Story short: 2 *Possible* Hackers Sly dog & -==HEAD OFF==- I have attached sreenshot of the lobby after i attempted to log in to record.
  9. EDIT: Attached the image
  10. That's a combat log? I think not... he had time to bandage his ass crawl inside a building and sit there for 10 seconds then log out, he was well out of danger and probably thought that'll do me for the the day! Holy crap... if that's a combat log all those people that i saw 1km away who ran into a building and logged out should be strung up! Seriously guys get a grip if you let the guy you put some bullets in bandage (In the Open) crawl away and log out you don't deserve the kill! PS Watched this without sound but the video is clear enough for me.
  11. Hi Guys, Not sure if this is the right place to post, but i would like to request a reboot of the mentioned server. Server seemed to crash/reboot and our Vehicle had disappeared, not sure if this is a bug or if the server just needs a clean restart to bring it back. We acquired the Vehicle at it's spawn and drove it around 30km, at this point we exited and saved it, moments later the server either crashed or rebooted and upon rejoining it was gone. We have backtracked all the locations we stopped and saved and have been unable to track it down, many thanks in advance! Regards Shemone
  12. shemone

    UK #27 Requested Reboot

    Quick Update: Server rebooted and the vehicle returned, all stuff inside gone but hey ho! Time to go cruising!
  13. shemone

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Quick Update... Antibiotics successfully delivered and administered by Brian @ RMG & an Anonymous Scavenger! , 45 minutes after speaking on Vent with them and I'm no longer coughing my guts up! Gave them a M16A2 to thank them for their assistance :)
  14. shemone

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Needing Antibotics can any 1 here help me! Give me a PM and we can try and arrange a meet!
  15. Who ever this guy "Rick" is, don't take it personally and keep soldiering on dude! You had all the time to prove friendly, you watched a zombie try and chow down on me, you stalked me while i walked around in circles, you didn't try and communicate with me and lastly you killed a cow... I let you think you were hidden but enough was enough, next time declare if you friendly, never presume your safe :)
  16. All players on US 26 Just got killed. Approximate Time: 22:58PM GMT What Happened: We all fall down? Just thought I'd post it.
  17. shemone


    Same thing here, massive desync on all servers, dayz website keeps becoming unavailable, think best bet is to leave it for tonight :)
  18. No... No... No... Stop applying these hotfixes! I get in from work, download the hotfix (Now 200Mb), play for an hour or so, go get tea etc etc come back and play for another hour. Go to bed, get back in from work and BAM another hotfix! Why Why Why :( Only kidding dude keep up the good work, nice to see that crawling is the new crouch running :)
  19. shemone

    Manage Individual Bullets

    Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case for any of my weapons, it seems at though any magazines that are less than 75% used (Rough Estimate), disappear upon reconnection. Now sure your idea would be plausible ,however the only way for myself to use this function to my advantage would mean firing no more than 6 bullets in each of my MP5 Mags then reconnecting. This means i will need to re log far too often for my liking, with the latest update on 1.7.0 zombies spawning in buildings means more than half the time going in guns blazing and using my ammo :) Ill keep an eye on my ammo and try to save a bullet in each mag but from what i've seen they all disappear. IIRC i once logged in and all my ammo for both secondary/primary had gone, this was having a nice zombie hunt a green mountain :)
  20. Im frightened to go home and see if i can play :) , i havn't hacked or cheated on DayZ, i did do some naughty things in order to play DayZ as i wasn't sure if i spent the £20 i would get my monies worth, that however came to an unfruitful end, so i thought wtf and took the plunge and bought the game, definately a worthwhile investment . Granted i havn't come across any hackers, but i hope BattlEye is only banning on account of stuff that has been used in game as an advantage... heres hoping to see you all after 5:30pm when i've had my subway and sit down for a long session of DayZ. PS does anyone have any food they can bring me? Im flashing red and ate my last bit before i logged off :)
  21. Hi Everyone, Not sure where i'm meant to post this but troubleshooting seems the right place to go :) I read this as a known issue somewhere but can't remember where, for some reason when every i spawn i appear in an open hilly area no tree's, no nothing. I see people i imagine are just loading, and the occasional rabbit and chicken, i've ran for 10 minutes in each direction and havn't found a thing. Can you possibly put me somewhere a little more... populated? I'm sure i could hit respawn but im quite fond of my MP5 :) Regards Bump :)
  22. shemone

    sinking into terrain at pond

    I've had this too, guy appeared to continually sink, after some serious wigglying of him i got free. Can't remember which pond unfortunately :(
  23. Bolt Action? Sign me up!
  24. Figured as much, though i was hoping to avoid it as i didn't have enough water, found a water bottle on a corpse and made it, 29,000m of running at 5m/s.