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Everything posted by pale1776

  1. Actually I wasn't referring to you, even if it is on your post. And not you MacTabish :p Just in general, mostly on Steam forums, I see at least 10 or so OMG I H8 KOS and within 48 hours that OP will post a bragging thread about all the 3pic lootz he just KOSed (and happens to complain about his magdump destroying most of the loot)
  2. pale1776

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    I know that part, I meant the Afghanistan part because I have had a suspicion that MacTabish here is/was in service.
  3. pale1776

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    Oh wow lol. Can't tell if the base for the story is real, I know the nomming of a can isn't though. Personally instead of being so obsessed with adding all these great new hats, and a handshake animation that NOONE will ever use because the game has been so far catered to the PvP kiddies- maybe they should fix eating animations, maybe even fix stairs? Plus you would know its gas by smell, even in a canteen. Unless your a complete Fucktard that deserves bleach instead of gas.
  4. PVPHe complains that he doesn't wanna spend hours gearing up just to be KOSd, but he KOSs people who feel the same exact way. It's a matter of "its okay as long as it ain't me"
  5. pale1776

    Death Rattle

    Wow, that sounds really weak. I've never heard a human die from unnatural causes in person, but when you shoot a deer it gives you an idea. It's more of a, suck a mouthful of syrup into your lungs and gag a bit kinda sound
  6. pale1776

    Baked Beans IEDs

    Alright, so a pastime for parties I have when everyone is drunk is putting beans into the bonfire. When it gets heated high enough, it explodes and sends baked beans onto everything and doesn't kill anyone XD But possibly add in exploding cans ingame, maybe you can tape nails around the can and place it into the fire. It'd be a good little trap. Invite someone to have a seat, drop the can in the fire and excuse yourself to check something before it blows. Boom, profit.
  7. pale1776

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Please...please put edit a spoiler in that so that the mods won't have too. Anyways, good job OP.
  8. pale1776

    Today, I killed my bro!_!

    Same. "Hey I Shaned so and so." "Yeah, I was gonna Shane such and such but for distracted"
  9. pale1776

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    This. I would call myself Big Boss and run a PMC and diamond mine.
  10. pale1776

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    Sorry for the necro, but it has been 2 years since our frenemy Gooogle was killed by our beloved Kichi. I remember when it happened, I was just a bambie in the DayZ world, not even 2 months ingame. So many good memories of this time, Gooogle, KoS and Fraggiepoo were 3 of the people I looked forward to seeing their comments the most. Just because it was always funny and insightful. I just thought that I'd bump this on the 2 year anniversary, for old times sake and to thank Kichilron and Gooogle for the forum adventure leading to Gooogles death and leaving of the forums. And on that note, I will let this thread be nommed by Orlok, or drowned in SteakandPotatoes, maybe even Grooved by Demon. Sleep well, sweet princes
  11. pale1776

    A Request

    If anyone is thinking about starting a server, please look into making a DayZ server for the Minihattan modmap fond on playwithsix. Look it up, almost everythings enterable. Its excactly what it sounds like.
  12. pale1776

    Arma 3 Exile Mod

    Looks cool, I'll check it out. But you may wanna check to see if your allowed to advertise an A3 Mod server here, I know that Wasteland servers aren't to be posted here (unless I've been wrong all these years) But cheers :p
  13. pale1776

    A Request

    Hmm, I don't remember requesting this. I was either A ) Drunk OR B ) I left my account logged in at my buddy's. Seems a bit "beggy" to be me drunk, I'm a bit of a rude drunk. Musta been B. But this does seem cool, I had to Google minigatan.
  14. pale1776

    Crossbow Breakdown

    I think bows should take up the tool slot imo
  15. pale1776

    Repair Green Mountain for global comms

    Very few of us have made it out alive... Poor DemonGroover here still wakes up cursing the tower every night...
  16. pale1776

    Fortifying villages?

    Personally I think you should need specialized tools to tear it down, to prevent every 12 year old from fisting down 4 days of work in 5 minutes.
  17. pale1776

    Survival game ... a survival timer ?

    Sounds good, maybe as a page in a droppable journal (since a journal that takes up no space you can't drop makes people shit theirselves cause that means that no guns are being added in for KOSing -_-
  18. pale1776

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    I'm still waiting on snakes to be added. Snakes are native to the Czech Republic, which is what Chernarus is based on, and there's one poisonous type there (a viper) for extra food and another thing to watch out for when forgaging and hunting
  19. pale1776

    Fake People/Mannequin Traps

    Beans, wanna reenact this. https://youtu.be/nzZWmXRaT3k
  20. pale1776

    ACH spawns

    Actually, its pretty common to hold a rifle like that when wearing a vest. Trust me, its uncomfortable af to hold a rifle in the nook of your shoulder while wearing a vest. The 5.56 has really no kick, so putting it above your shoulder really doesn't affect that. Plus he's surveying through the sight, why take the time to get comfy when your doing a quick survey lol.-Not Military yet, but I do run in the gear I've bought for conditioning and can vouch why its held like that /info Actually, its pretty common to hold a rifle like that when wearing a vest. Trust me, its uncomfortable af to hold a rifle in the nook of your shoulder while wearing a vest. The 5.56 has really no kick, so putting it above your shoulder really doesn't affect that. Plus he's surveying through the sight, why take the time to get comfy when your doing a quick survey lol.-Not Military yet, but I do run in the gear I've bought for conditioning and can vouch why its held like that /info
  21. pale1776

    ACH spawns

    Actually both are different, I'm just not gonna bore the forums with my knowledge. But that's like saying "Oh, we already have an M4 and it does the same job as the other assault rifles, lets just not add anymore assault rifles"
  22. pale1776

    Refresh Flag

    Huh, this is actually pretty cool. The fabric IRL would deteriorate after awhile and ingame too, so you would be forced to find/make more flags instead of having a forever plot pole like Epuke
  23. pale1776

    How many hero's out there anymore

    I'm a Hero of sorts. I don't kill unless I'm forced to. Actually one of my favorite memories is being forced to fight as a Gladiator. I won and was granted my freedom lol. I help people if I see them in need, I initiate conversation from a building to warn people of danger. However if you come in your dead. I'll give you food and water today, and rob you so I can live tomorrow. I'm not technically a Hero or a bandit, I'm a survivor. And that's what DayZ is about.
  24. pale1776

    base building concerns

    Except that clan would have roving newspawn KOS squads, and the guy by the fire would have already killed you and been telling you how "gey ur mum is" :p But you don't need walls and freeform building to barricade a city. You need sandbags, earthen ramparts, boards with nails, pushing cars into the road, makeshift fences. Personally I'd like the only "walls" to be wooden Palisades. With just those, sandbags, dirt mounds, and some movable garbage you can have a "freeform" base of sorts but its still realistic to the point that you'd see IRL. AND PLEASE, bring back the stick fence from the mod. With those and a couple well positioned wheels-are-missing cars I locked down small villages in the Mod.
  25. pale1776

    Straight Outta Chernarus

    Anyone else got some funny posts about this?http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498488696&fileuploadsuccess=1