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Posts posted by pale1776

  1. Hey guys, some of you might remember me (looking at you, Orlok. Still miss you, Fraggles) 

    I started playing DayZ in the summer before my 9th grade year, and now I'm a college sophomore. Took a long break from DayZ, and most games in general but I always stayed up to date with the news (and the DayZ Cafe back on the steam forums) 

    Really excited to see the progress, I'm waiting until the "big update" hits before I jump back in. Just wanted to say hi to all the old timers and all the new guys, and if anyone's ever up for playing or chatting then my discord tag is pale#1776

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    • Beans 4

  2. 8 hours ago, kopo79 said:

    öööö....what a hell is this?...
    so,i need arma 2 and operation arrowhead(allready downloading from steam)

    do i need to update those or do steam update them?
    i wanna play this naooo!!!

    Hey man, you'd need the free DayZ Mod from steam as well. Then you'd search for DayZ launcher on Google, and install it so you can get Overwatch, Epoch and Namalsk. If you got any questions just reply here or in the discord 

    • Like 1

  3. Oh didn't see that.

    And that is alot cooler! I wish this can be also be possible in-game. so that you can have an instant bipod for your weapon. This will be a first because no game has done such a maneuver yet as far as I can tell.

    I do that in Arma 2 and DayZ Mod cause AFAIK the bags (I use coyote and Czech pack) actually stop bullets. So when I shoot I lay behind it- no stability boost but hey it stops bullets.

  4. Because 3pp servers are stealing people away from 1pp.

    But if 3pp servers are stealing people from 1pp servers then that means that they prefer 3pp to begin with...

    I use 1pp in cities and combat and use 3pp for running/cutting trees and setting up my camp. I use it when I play DayZRP too since I always feel like I'm watching a movie.

    Short story I prefer 1st but play on all. So why does everyone keep bitchin?

    Go play a 1pp server if it's so supreme, don't go on 3pp servers.

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  5. Well suppressors actually don't "silence" a weapon.

    A .308 will be reduced to about the level of a .223 decibel rating.

    .223 will be lowered to a .22 rating.

    Not the most scientifically sound explanation, so you may want to research a bit more. That above was my own personal experience and testing with suppressors

  6. I really hope they don't add icons like what the mod had. Having the icons constantly floating there is much more immersion-breaking than the message spam for me.

    Guess I kinda got spoiled by this one server I played on lol, when you hit the button that brought up the debug monitor, it brought the icons up. Toggled on and off with that button

  7. Or just keep it like vanilla DayZ mod, hidden on the right side/ corner in a transparent overlay. Gave a rough idea, not numbers like the debug monitor.

    I think the worst is running through a forest in the rain

    I am getting wet

    I am no longer getting wet

    I am completely soaked

    I am getting wet

    I am no longer getting wet

    Every single time you pass under a tree...

  8. Well, with bleach and ammonia in a glass bottle you can make a pretty noice "grenade" but you'd have to ensure that they were covered in it.

    Sulfuric acid in a glass bottle/ booby trapped to spill from a door akin to the practical joke.

    Then if MREs make it ingame, take the heaters and put them in a canteen and fill with water. Leave it there and you have a (major) delayed blast and diversion. And I mean major as in itll be a long ass time before the boom, not the quality of the boom :p

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  9. Well these are infected humans, not zombies so the headshot thing will never happen without mods.

    And yes, Dean has been lost and turned around in a jungle before. Alone. For days. That's how he almost died during landnav in South America. That's how he got the idea of DayZ while he was recovering

  10. Oh my shit, this fuckin argument again.

    If you like 1pp fine, if you like 3pp fine. Theres already servers for each.

    When I play I go to the usual 1pp server I play on, but servers like DayZRP and others where I don't plan on fighting much I use 3pp just because.

    Us 1pp stay on 3pp, you 3pp stay in 3pp. Simple, don't fuck with each others gameplay.

    You realize that as soon as official servers go to 1pp then everyone else will play on 3pp non official servers? Lemme guess, people will demand that either ALL servers be 1pp of only official servers are allowed.

    Jesus people, I like both. I prefer 1pp for the PoV I get that puts me in the zone somehow, but really. Stop trying to fuck up each others playing.

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  11. Okay, so if anyone's reading, I'm pretty sure we know what the game The Walking Dead is, by telltales, season one. Remember how Lee puts his pistol in the back of his pants? In between his pants and shirt? It's just a cool thought, it would look cool and would help with inventory space, you could just shove a pistol in the back of your pants, like in the picture, or this link: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/pull-gun-out-pants-man-pulling-back-his-38369758.jpg

    Mexican carry, finger on trigger while drawing it.

    Yep, safe to say that the picture is of a certified dumbass.

    Yes, can be done. No, not for any purpose other than quickly concealing a weapon for an emergency/ ambush

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  12. The behaviour of the cones and rods in the eye in regards to low light vision and colour perception is just fact. They teach it in basic training in Canada. I bet they do in other armies as well. You get allot of opportunity to observe it in real life if you spend some time in the infantry.

    I was playing in the dark and rain in Dayz last week. I could not make out anything but the rough outline of the tree line against the night clouds. Even in partial cloud conditions I could barely see trees beyond 30 paces in the thick forest. I paced it out. I could only have shot at most 75 or so yards and that would have been a long way.

    Is that perfectly realistic, no but its more realistic then many here seem to think.

    The clouds do seem a little luminous, which is not impossible but not typical in the actual out doors. Shadows in general are far more concealing even in day light then they are in DayZ. Fixing that issue would likely finish the lighting system.

    But as to how nice and dark the old way was. It was stupid, the only place in the world I have seen such darkness in nature above ground was in triple canopy patrolling in Panama. You could not see buddy 2 feet in front of you. And that is from someone who has patrolled in the pacific rain forests a great deal. Panama was dark. So dark your eyes could not adjust. Everywhere else I have been, your eyes adjust a great deal.

    Exactly. If you spend time in true darkness, your eyes adjust over time. Repeat this every night for years and it will boost your natural night sight. Not boost so much as train, but smart people will get the idea.

    And just for the slow minded when he says triple canopy, he doesn't mean the layers of the rainforest.

  13. Exile is not better, it is a matter of taste. DayZ bring a whole different experience than Exile.

    I'm not the one to say what's better but DayZ vanilla will stay the same forever. That's what vanilla is for - the most simple and minimalistic featured gameplay which brings the whole player interaction to a different level. I'd doubt you'll see as many friendly players in Exile as in DayZ.

    Besides that, as said way before in a post I believe bonesboy locked already - making a game and making a mod is different. I don't think Exile will have any grenade launcher attachments.

    When DayZ releases mod support I doubt Exile will be anywhere near DayZ mods.

    I didn't call it better, I called it detailed. DayZ is still in Alpha and was rebuilt from scratch, Exile had ArmA 3 and a modding community for its content so of course its silver paint is shiny, but Exiles plastic isn't as reliable as DayZs cast iron.

    I dunno how the issue of player interaction came from my suggestion of the vehicle Gear, but its correct most likely.

    And of course DayZ will improve with mods. However Exile happens to be one of the best mods I've seen, its along the lines of DayZ Origins. Maybe one day Exile will come for DayZ Standalone and find a way to improve it.

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  14. This all sounds well and good but something tells me that a few months from now you might find the rest of this post embarrassing....

    It kinda makes me want to tell you to go play Exile and not return because you apparently are lacking in appreciation and patience.

    I'm hurting without infected to kill but I know it's likely less than a month away before we see them in experimental at least.

    One day hopefully at some point in early Beta we will pass the point where they would ever pull the infected out again and it will be a quaint notion; the thought of Chernarus without infected.

    Mkay, first of all I'm one of the most patient people here and been around for a good long time. Before you call people inappreciative and impatient, maybe you should take a look at who it is. Not everyone is the typical OMG Y IS ALPHA poster.

    Second, I've been with DayZ from the start of the mod. Good and bad, DayZ is still my favorite game despite all the struggles and borderline rage. So do tell, when is it a crime to see a really cool idea (the inventory system from vehicles) and suggest it? I mean this is the suggestion section of the forums after all.

    And the AI remark is a poke at the game, believe me I'm very well informed with the layout and timeline. Everyone cracks jokes at it, its just common fun. On the Steam forums I inform people of that as much as I can, though good ole Cadderly and Blaze McKnight play a much larger role with that.

    Yeah, Exile may fall in time. For now it has infected and gives me ideas that I put here (and a few combat sequences gave inspiration for the book I am writing. Such as a Sniper duel in a town overrun with infected)

    And regardless of what happens to the Exile Mod, that vehicle Gear system is badass.

    As a side note, Frankie has been advertising it as DayZ Exile. Is this a new, original thing that is allowed whereas the Zombies Mod literally stole DayZ script illegally? Or is this just a title for his videos?

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  15. Tbh Exile has been my affair behind DayZs back. So much of the details in this Mod would be great for DayZ.

    The ability to Armor vehicles with scrap metal that you place specifically where you want it.

    Having to place your larger items (bags, tents, axes, storage) in specific areas on the seats or dash.

    Hell, even the zombie AI is fairing better at this point until we get that new update were all waiting for :p

    I dunno, I live DayZ but Exile is gonna be my new thing until DayZ is fully finished and kicks Exiles ass. Then I'll wait for DayZ Standalone: Exile :p

  16. That'd be neat, but very impractical if you think about it. For one, it'd only be good on solid, even ground (You try pushing that thing in the mud uphill BOTH WAYS ;) )

    Plus, I think we should be able to just drag them/lift them. Idk, just my opinion

    With 2 people (me and another guy) we carried a 200 pound stretcher up a 30 foot hill at a 45-50 degree incline. And that was with 90 pound rucksacks. This hill was part of a 4 mile course as well lol, the litter was carried the whole way (we rotated between 4 of us though) (ROTC experience, not military experience)

    In my experience if you need to get someone (or a someone sized object) behind cover in a hurry its better to drag/ carry them (Simulation Paintball)

    Litters should be added in regardless though. It'd be cool to have to carry a wounded teammate back to your camp for medical treatment. Or even put an entire deer or boar on one to carry all the meat.

    But this would most likely be used by DayZRP since outside of that community its just ArmA 3

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