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Everything posted by pale1776

  1. Thanks for letting me do my Journal ARTyom. My power went off briefly while I was playing, so I'm almost scared to log in again XD Here's my Journal, I linked this thread as well. If anyone reads it, please pay note to the trade list. Thanks ARTyom. Kilroys Journal http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223510-finaldayz-kilroys-journal/?p=2246066#entry2246066
  2. Daaaaaamn that rape tho. Nice necro BTW lol
  3. Cannot express how much I love this server. I love it more than the dogs, and that's a lot. Moneys tight tight now, but I will definitely donate to your cause when I procure my enlistment bonus ---Day One--- I landed my boat on shore, and built a small fire to warm myself up before I began my journey. I traveled on the roads to increase my chances of finding other survivors. I managed to find some light bulbs- like they're worth anything nowadays- and a spare magazine for my 1911. I was in a small town, not sure which one, when I saw a dead infected. I continued, following a trail of discarded cans and the occasional infected body. Someone was close, I was right on their trail. I came across another town when I saw another survivor and made contact. Our chat was brief, infected were closing in. He told me his name- Spyrak before I ran into the schoolhouse and he took off down the road. I was trapped on the roof with infected closing, so I jumped. Everything went black. I awoke by a fire, on the coastline. Spyrak had saved me, I owed him my life. We chatted briefly, and I gave him my last mag for the 1911. We went our separate ways after forming a peace agreement. I only hope that he is safe. Night is closing in, I have built a fire to keep alive tonight. I'll update tomorrow. Kilroy, out. ----Emergency Update---- Me and Spyrak found a camp inside a city after we met once again. We decided fate had us meet twice already and we should team. We looted decent gear, ALICE packs and Enfield's. Even some matches and a toolkit. We were on the outskirts of the town when I was hit by some sort if SMG. I went down, and rolled behind a lumber pile while Spyrak returned fire. I wasn't hit bad, 3 rounds in the back. We looted the corpse and I noticed the name DAVE scribbled on his vest. Thanks for being a prick DAVE, we could have helped each other. I still fail to see why we try to be good people, why we even try to survive. Then I look at my new friend Spyrak, young and making the best of this. Hell, I must be the oldest man in the country, 32 years old and a record holder. That, or eceryone else my age is smart enough to hide. I thought about hiding, but Spyrak keeps restoring my faith in the world, bit by bit. Kilroy, out
  4. pale1776

    [poll] Please bring back the Burlap Gun Wrap!

    Exactly ^^ We have 4000 hats, 1848372829 books only me and 3 people read, and the wrap is deemed useless?
  5. pale1776

    Inside/Outside 3pp Camera Distance

    To be honest I would love a camera overhaul. The best example I can think of is The Last of Us, because even though it was a third (technically fourth) person game, it was a bit harder to wall peek with the camera. There's also a mod for A3 that does this, I forget what its called but its used in the A3 Life mod. I just think those views add immersion, look better and also slightly curb the 3pp peeking
  6. pale1776

    Problems with current state

    The problem with the current state is that its an alpha. It is supposed to suck right now
  7. pale1776

    Infected Sounds - Voices (w/ possible decay)

    I liked the infected screams from The Last of Us
  8. What kind? Mines an M91/30 Ishvek made in 1943, has faded hash marks and CCCP prints on the stock. Barrel has factory accuracy print, has hammer and sickle wrapped in wheat clusters. Sexy rifle...
  9. Mosins can be used without one, as can the SKS. I never use the strippers for my Mosin. It makes reloading faster, and at some point should be added, as well as loading each individual SKS round
  10. For the love of God... Its called a magazine/mag! The SKS and Mosin take stripper clips, the M4, Dragunov, MP5 and pistols take magazines. Sorry, I cried reading through this
  11. pale1776

    Melee Takedowns

    How about an adaptation of this? The attacker would have to spam E to build a "kill meter" within say 5 seconds. The guy being taken down would do the same to escape, building up a "counter meter" Basically whoever fills the meter first is the Victor. Invisible meter or not, whatever's best. Almost like BF4s counterknifre but is more reliant on the player
  12. No, not really. Its been suggested and on the way, its obviously a good idea to have been mentioned before though
  13. Yeah, regular zombies are too easy so they added demonic ghost zombies XDOP, I really never understood how you can camp newspawns in DayZ. The closest I've ever come was when I locked down electro in the mod to secure an LZ and I literally placed a tent and fire beside me as I shot :p Good idea, but no proper way to implement it. Plus if it was properly added, the "muh realism broken, I can't kill newspawns 24/7 l33t sn1p3r stile" argument would pop up (It happened when people realized they had to venture for food, I lost the link but these guys were literally bitchin about how it's unfair to force them to eat and drink when they want to PvP. Need arma 3 much lol?)
  14. pale1776

    Hello devs.....

    The ui needs work, but why wait to push the hordes? The alpha is to test stuff, so they're testing hoards- the ui isn't updated yet so its not out. If they fixed stuff that's not too important before releasing major features, then wed have perfect nonsense items and broken major things
  15. pale1776

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    That's why I like the mod lol. PvP IS fun, despite what anyone says its fun. However, there's a point when it just gets ridiculous. Sometimes I'd just like to build my fire, cook my fish and chill without having a kid run up screaming "LOL U SUK AT DIZ GAYME LOL NUBE" PvP is not the core of the game. Its a big part, but not meant to be the sole purpose (it now seems to be but that's because of the community)
  16. pale1776

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    You sir, were obviously late to the game (no pun intended)When it first came out, most everyone played like a true survival game, and not elecktro camping and cherno killing. Then a few kids like rhinocrunch showed how l33t they were by camping people who were playing "friendly" style. Then a ton of kids came in, and it soon became wasteland with zombies. By the way, DayZ was intended as a survival Sim. Not a mil/PvP Sim.
  17. pale1776

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    The continent it sits on is nothin but a massive island :p
  18. pale1776

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    Nooooononono, I'm a guy lol. But I've come across that in game, and there's videos all over YouTube about that mess
  19. pale1776

    A new sniper rifle and a new LRS

    That GUY is one of the coolest people and mods on here! Show some gosh darn respect boy! Youngins these DayZ...Also, expect tons more weapons OP
  20. pale1776

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    "Interaction"AKA- Torturing people and being a douche over direct chat (and proving that people who play games are all stupid teen guys when they decide they wanna verbally rape the women who play the game. That to me is sick) At least with hordes there won't be enough time for people to be douches. Plus you know, this is DayZ, not DayPVP. Zombies should be PRIMARY not secondary
  21. pale1776

    improvised silencer repair with tape

    Yes, but it should be reworked to need say 3 rags added to create one, and maybe duct tape and 1 rag for each repair. Should this be a separate suggestion, the adding rags to the mix or is it could sittin rightchere? P.S. It's my birthday
  22. pale1776

    improvised silencer repair with tape

    Just tried it. Don't even need new tape, just readjust and add more cloth. The rounds punch through and move the cloth so that its not as effective, a simple twist shake and an extra chunk of shirt solved it, and I put a strip of tape over the exit hole for good measure
  23. pale1776

    Shopping cart/trolley!

    Definitely needs to be added. As do wheelchairs, imagine a player run town being attacked and they evacuate during the night. One man in a wheelchair is seen perched on a second floor window, surrounded by weapons and booze- his family was killed by the raiders and he was crippled. A man with nothing to lose and a helluva lotta lead to give. In theaters, 2015
  24. pale1776

    improvised silencer repair with tape

    I've never bothered since I make several at once. If it held the cloth or shirtsz I imagine it would work again- albiet rather shittily.
  25. pale1776

    improvised silencer repair with tape

    Please refer to my above post