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Everything posted by pale1776

  1. pale1776

    disabling weapons when abandoned

    No. Theyre was.a guy earlier who wanted to ruin loot and it doesnt respawn until its moved, even after restart. All he wanted was to ruin peoples experience, he said it himself. Every faggot ingame would server hop just to ruin loot spawns and disable guns.
  2. pale1776


    It should be in customization then grow. Just cause the apocolypse hits dont mean you shave off your beard
  3. pale1776

    bridge between map and utes (late content)

    Someones gonna try that. ^^
  4. pale1776

    emblem to weapons.And shoulder straps

    Only if its crafted. Use shirts an sewing kit. Or knife to engrave gun.
  5. pale1776


    Try it like breaking point for A3. You.start in a summer thirsk( chernarus.for sa) and can swith to a winter server with the same gear and position. That way it wont be so.demanding ob servera. Still lots of work though... (you want snow, go to.a night server and turn up gamma and brightness)
  6. pale1776

    DayZ birthday idea

    This. The kind of faggot that is devoted to ruining the game. Just kidding man XD But for real. Theyre trying to.make new friends and prove not everyones a dick. Youll counter this. Maybe pull security, cause Im sure theyrll be more bandits than partiers. Much more fun.when the opposing guys are armed and 12 year old kids thatll cry.more than you can imagine XD Try it.
  7. I see five kinds of people: Bandits (rob,steal, ext) Heroes (frankie) Bambies, "Special operations" (Me, Im in between bandit and hero) and Savages (kosers) So if you see a guy saying savages thataway, its me.
  8. pale1776

    Women Clothes

    Ive never said this before, but if I see a guy in a dress, its KoS for me. Hes either a 12 year old codfag or was brutally beaten, robbed and tortured. In which case its a sympathy kill.
  9. pale1776


    Thats what I mean too. Why shouldnt a mechanic repair better, construxtion work faster, nurses keep wounds cleaner, firefighters burn less, and soldiers just have camo pants
  10. Pets are confirmed. As is farming. I guess you should uninstall now and save yourself the tears.
  11. pale1776


    I think it should be a customization choice. Since DayZ is MY story, I want to choose another way to build MY story. Just like the mod "I got a towel because I play like cod and try to 360noscope them neewbs but Im singld out for bein a fag (realize that this is different than kos or true bandits) while the guy who soends a week bein friendly gets a neat skin and a vest that stops a pistol bullet" If it doesnt help them kill, or helps keep others from being killed, the OP should be publicly beaten. Because life an such
  12. pale1776

    New City in the North on experimental

    See, THIS is whats gonna keep dayz new. Towns without names, the exploring an lore heard by bambies. But seriously, BRIDGE CITY(doit)
  13. pale1776

    So how does the timer trump server hopping?

    Yeah, especially when Im solo and jiin my friends server. Or admin kick. Or join a 24/7 day server
  14. pale1776

    Lets Talk Camo

  15. pale1776

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    Yeah, youd be surprised at how much blood is in a person
  16. pale1776


    Id like to see a short beard On creation that grows. Cause just caus e SHTF, not everyone will shave their manbeard. Ive got a small beard, not even worthy of manbeardhood yet, but its coming along. So yeah, it ahould be an option that grows.
  17. pale1776

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    Choke on my beans. Its not like people lose all experience when SHTF. Im a teen, and had basic survival, tactical and shooting skikls before I ever even heard of arma let alone dayz. If its MY story as so.many of you complain about, let me have MY story abilities.Or, for both sides, have different stances in customization (tactical, untrained, ect)
  18. pale1776

    Toxic fumes surrounding military bases?

    Or spores, radiation, or what have you
  19. pale1776

    Toxic fumes surrounding military bases?

    point is, lifeless sniper fags are annoying. Underground gas leak(When/if rocket follows up on sewers) BOOM, one explanation. All that empty space up north? Nuke zone by hostiles. fallout, everywhere but focused north. "This is DayZ, this is your story" THEN MAKE A STORY AS TO WHY THE GAS IS THERE
  20. pale1776

    Obrez Mosin

  21. A stadium where Ill house bambies in seoerate cages With promises of love, therefore ruining the game forever, cause Ill just forcefeed them XD
  22. pale1776

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    A guy identical to that with a tan boonie punched/shot me to death. All I had was spawn clothes and a tan boonie, I.met a guy in a yellow raincoat and we were ok (in berizino) and he comes running back with the man following. I took off an he chased and when I turnes to fight, he was magically invisible with an fnx... Screw alpha and desync, that was hacks XD
  23. pale1776

    Sawn off Winchester 1895 // Mare's Leg-like

    Then the mosin 1891/30 is outdated and fires an outdated round. Both fire 7.62x54r and are 110 years old. In that xase throw outthe mosin, and pu scope since it was built for the mosin. Research, it adds realism.Not to mention 1.5 million were given to the White Army in the russian civil war...
  24. pale1776

    Bounty on Brad

    DayZ is breaking alot of ground. From the game itself to the first paid video game bounty. I think we should look at this as not a debate, but a sign of whats to come. Get ready for codkiddies who want money, nubs and the clueless bambie